We brought them to harvest the cassava we planted several months ago

Today we harvested the first cassava plants in the garden after several months of planting, and we are very grateful because the results are very satisfying. We immediately took it home to consume with the family at home.

Planting and harvesting cassava is a satisfying experience. It requires patience, hard work, and caution throughout the process. Starting from preparing the soil, planting cassava cuttings, to caring for the plants until they grow, there is a feeling of satisfaction when we see the results of our hard work can finally be harvested.

When we collect cassava fruit from the garden, there is a feeling of satisfaction and joy because the fruit is plump and healthy, which is proof of our efforts in caring for the plants. We carefully dug it out of the ground, making sure not to damage it in the process.

The cassava was brought home, we washed it clean and ready to cook. Cassava is a versatile plant that can be cooked in various ways – boiled, fried, mashed, or even made into snacks like cassava chips. We decided to cook it in different ways to enjoy a variety of dishes.

Sitting at the dinner table with the family, we enjoy the fruits of our hard work. The cassava dish was delicious, a reminder of the abundance that nature provides if treated with care and respect. We shared stories and laughed while enjoying the meal, grateful for the food served on our table and the love of our family.

When we finished eating, we felt a deep sense of satisfaction and gratitude. Harvesting cassava may seem like a simple task, but it is a reminder of the cycle of life and the interconnectedness of all living things. We are grateful for the opportunity to grow, raise, and harvest our own food, knowing that it was grown with love and care.

The cassava harvest is not just about food – it is a celebration in our family's lives. It is a reminder of the simple joys that come from working the land and sharing the results of our hard work with loved ones. We are grateful for this experience and look forward to more bountiful harvests in the future.