A Dose Of Much-Needed Positivity! Be Part Of The Good Vibes!✨

I am sure you've read the posts, the discussions, all the opinions and ideas about what's going on at the moment and I am not going to comment on any of it at all.
Not because I put my head in the sand but because simply my mental health will suffer if I get into it too much.
I am already having a hard time enough without the drama of an online community to go with it.
Plus people disagreeing on things is an ongoing omnipresent consequence of a decentralized blockchain social media.
It's all part of it and it's super easy to get sucked into it and lose overview of all the good stuff happening!

Analysis, Adapt & Evolve! POB Is Constantly Shapeshifting .png

Let's counteract all the negative vibes with some positivity!

✨Comment something positive that has happened to you today, or this week.
✨Share a story that made you smile.
✨Show us a meme that really made you laugh
✨ What song has got you all happy and joyful?
✨ Funniest cat photo

Just share something good, whatever that may be!

You can choose to participate in any way you see fit.

I'll be sharing my own positive stuff in a comment too!

Over and out,



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Today's positives?
I came across a post that was really full of positivity and it immediately rubbed off onto me just when I needed it.
So thank you and have a wonderful weekend :-)

Aaaaahhhh!!!! :) :) :) :) :)

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Man! I used to love the Cracked podcast. I think Alex Schmidt has a very unique personality, kind of down home with a never exposed, but seemingly omnipresent underlying boyish mischief. For instance, he very rarely curses, but when he does it sounds like he’s a little shy about it but it had to come out.

Anyway, that podcast stopped airing shortly after quarantine started so I’ve been getting my fix, so to speak, via other podcasts he appears on (pretty much anything on the Unpops network or iHeartRadio). Anyway, I guess all this time he’s had another program titled Secretly, Incredibly, Fascinating that’s more or less his own presentation of the show he was doing for Cracked. So, I have several months of shows to catch up on. 😁👊

That makes work soooooo much nicer.

Oooh I don't know it. I will have to check it ou!
And I know the feeling when you've found lots of episodes to catch up on. So much fun! Enjoy :) :)

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My own dose of positivity!
The sun is shining and later today we're going to have a proper wild thunderstorm and I CANNOT WAIT. The boyfriend and I will probably turn off all the lights in our home and lay down on the floor and watch the lightning! So much fun.
I had apple cake today and it was so good.
Just 2 more hours of work and then I have weekend! Woohoo!
My favourite band Hiatus Kaiyote brought out a new song last week and I've been listening to it a lot :

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POB platform needs the positivity the most at this time when the community is about to take off.

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The house we build is the house we repair
The person we love is the person we fight with
What is the reason for our positive experiences will eventually be the reason for our negative experience as well.

We would need to learn to swim through the tides rather looking at them as if they are tsunamis. Strongest of storms subsidise one day.

Best Wishes and Good Health

Very true.
Although really taking a moment to stop and focus on some good is always good right?

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Indeed. It is self care. Which should be always our first priority. Before anything else.

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