POB Question Of The Week #4 🧠

in Proof of Brain β€’ 3 years ago

Hello Brainies,

Thanks to all who participated in week 3!

Question Of The Week.png

I just sent 30 POB delegations each to @sinistry, @dibblers.dabs and @edystringz as the 'winners' of last week!

Their answers were long and thought out and that's why there were the winners!

It felt extra good to send @sinistry POB because he is THE reason I found Proof of Brain! :)


Every week 3 'winners' are chosen who receive 30 POB delegation for a week!

I am keeping my eye out for people who participate a lot and who are being good citizens of the Brainieverse. Who knows, I might even send over some surprise POB! ;)

The fourth POB question of the week is :

Who is your favourite author on POB?


Answer in the comments!


Over and out,


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This is a nice initiative and I got to know about it through a tag from @edystringz who has made a really long and impressive comment already πŸ˜‚ I don't know why she didn't just mention every Hiver on this platform πŸƒβ€β™€οΈπŸƒβ€β™€οΈ

Well, I have a favorite author. Two though but @edystringz already mentioned one of them and that is the person of @nonsowrites so I'll reveal the other one as @selfhelp4trolls

Have you seen his posts around? If you haven't, he's just a click away and you will be wowed by the way he writes. One thing about his posts is that he shares a lot of things about himself. He is not the type that writes motivational or unrealistic posts.

Whenever I see his post, I'll be like "Let me read something more real" πŸ˜‚ I'm not by any chance saying all other authors write ups are unreal though, I am just assured that his post will be about things that are real and a lot for me to learn from.

I won't say I've known much about my favorite author @selfhelp4trolls but from all his post I've read, he's getting some where with all the efforts he's made and I can't wait to see him actualize his plans.

Oh about his plans? You should read his posts, he's engaging on some thing big and I believe he will be successful with it as he has shown strength and determination in it. He is an inspiration, I hope I get to make my write ups more real like his 😊

I hope the comment isn't too long πŸ™„ I was just having fun talking about my favorite author since I joined Hive few months back 😌

Thanks for reading

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Β 3 years agoΒ (edited)Β 

Imagine the person who is saying my comment is long πŸ™„

What do you call this comment of yours, madam? πŸ§πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

I don't know why she didn't just mention every Hiver on this platform

πŸ˜…πŸ˜…. Sweetheart, I haven't met all Hivers yet. Once I do, I'll tell you all about them πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

so I'll reveal the other one as @selfhelp4trolls

Amazing, I should visit his blog and find out more. I love stories too especially real life stories, it reminds that other people have pass through a certain cycle I could currently be passing through, and that they came out victorious

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Hahaha you and I know deep down and up down that your comment was longer than two posts added together 😌😝🀣
Come and cut soap for me o, so that I can be making heart moving comments like you πŸ˜‰


Soap has finished oooo, I have to buy new ones in the market tomorrow πŸ˜›πŸ˜›πŸ˜›

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Thanks for the mention. I appreciate it a lot. The fact that people can relate with my content means a lot to me. Cheers!

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As a Brazilian I will defend authors who write in both languages ​​hehe. Among them, I highlight the ones I am closest to and I know who write sincere and creative content, always authored and on less common themes: @malgarise, @wiseagent, @aiuna, @caroline.muller, @hranhuk and @gustavofreitas

I sometimes get the impression that many authors get stuck in a small world of talking about crypto or too basic topics and forget that here we can do EVERYTHING. I highly value the creation of content that goes beyond the conventional.

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Β 3 years agoΒ (edited)Β 

This is the easiest one so far. Hands down @taskmaster4450. Aside from the fact that he puts out an almost non-stop stream of content, the stuff he puts out is constantly opening my eyes to ideas and concepts I’ve never considered, and he’s offered perspectives that have shifted my own or turned them upside down completely.

Just about everything he puts out is centered around, or connected to crypto, markets, and the like, but he often has an uncanny ability to connect those concepts to things most of us just can’t even fathom without that initial nudge.

If we were an army on the march he’d be out front waving our flag, and no doubt impaling bankers with it like a boss. 😁

I believe you mean @taskmaster4450 right? :)

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Β 3 years agoΒ (edited)Β 

Lol. Yup. Thank you for pointing that out. I'm sure task mater is a hell of a guy, too. No shade. 😁

meesterboom is my favorite author, his sense of humour resonates with me

Aw cheers! You rawk!

Wow! Thank you!! It feels extra good to receive 30 POB, for any reason. 🀣

But seriously, I’m honored. It feels good to have helped introduce someone who brings the energy you do.

I never know if my contributions are really worth anything or not. Even though I just happened to be the guy handy to give you directions as you rolled back into town, I feel great about that little part I took a minute to play.

You’re enthusiasm and dedication is a force of nature and the way you hit the ground running is invigorating. We should clone you! Maybe I’ll launch a proposal on the DHF if you’re down 😁.

I can't say that I have a favorite or favorites just yet... I am still finding posts I like from lots of authors and haven't noticed myself gravitating towards anyone in particular. There is lots of good content here. I definitely appreciate some of the light hearted and funny posts I've found though. They break up some of the more intellectual posts nicely. I also really appreciate a lot of the contests- they help to generate content more unique and interesting content.

For the purposes of this post I'm going to DieBitch... I appreciate her inability to write any posts that don't contain at least some humor and the recently started satire contest!

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Brainiverse hmmm I like that. πŸ‘

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Β 3 years agoΒ (edited)Β 

I don't have a favourite author yet. I know a lot of authors with great stuff and I love their work, I don't think I've been able to pick a favourite yet. Maybe soon.

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@Nonsowrite @calumam @leprechaun @vempromundo

I use this writer because I learn more from their post , knowing more of what is going on In the community ,am a newbies and I learn from their post a lot

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