POB Question Of The Week #6

Hello Brainies,

Whoooop whoop! I loved reading your answers to last week's question.
I am happy to see that I got you reflecting on yourself!

Question Of The Week.png

The winners of last week are :


I've just sent you your 30 POB delegation for a week! :)


Now for the next question!

The sixth POB question of the week is :

What really makes you angry?



Looking forward to seeing your responses in the comments!

Over and out,


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I for one dislike being ridiculed at the or embarrassed at the public place..... It gives a pschy that's bad to the stomach and nerves and there is no telling what that human can do at that point

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Could you give an example of something that happened to you?

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Congratulation to the winners before answering the question

What really makes me angry 🤔
First I don't usually get angry but if I can get angry to someone that means, that person as betray my trust ,he lied to me ,when I trust you and you lied to me that means you makes me a fools ,I don't like be a fool ,I think lie makes me more angry

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I get it. Lying makes me very angry too.

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I can't believe I missed out on your last week's question of the week, I just found out what the reason was though so I won't be missing any question from now on.

Congratulations to the winners, I see my beautiful friends there @blezyn @aimharryianne keep making waves girls 😉

Well as for your question - What Makes Me Angry?

Almost nothing, I hardly get angry and even when I do, I don't know how to stay angry for long. But since recently, there's something that gets me angry so much and I don't wish for it to happen. It happened recently and I noticed how angry I was about it and then I knew I had something gets me angry.

What makes me angry is taking advantage of my good to do bad. I'm the type that loves to help someone in need but then I notice that same person is talking bad about me no matter whether it's a fact or not. I can get really angry about that.

But guess what! I hardly show that I'm angry, not that I'm trying to be a Saint though but that I don't want to have an ill relationship with anyone. Relationships matter a lot to me.

Thanks for this opportunity ma'am 😊

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Thanks dear.

I hardly show that I'm angry

If you don't show that you're angry or tell them, how then do you manage all that bottled up emotions?

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I forgive almost immediately, if I can't seem to forgive depending on what the person did then I talk to the person about it.

Oh that's great

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Yes, I'd like to know too!

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You didn't miss out! You wrote a comment on it. Haha

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So many thing make me angry, let me be honest.
When I see people all over the world suffer and die and China pretends that the virus came from somewhere else it makes me mad.
When WHO fails to do its job I am seething with anger.
When people take money from corrupt politicians and vote for them I am livid.
When justice is denied to people I am sadmad.
When the elite of the world pretend to be philanthropic but all they do is plan all day long to annihilate the world I am like a bull in a china shop
When people won't do anything to help themselves but look for charity, I am mad
When governments make people dependent on them by giving them money instead of jobs it makes me livid.
When someone keeps asking for advise but won't do anything to change their lives it makes me angry
When I see parents fight in front of their children or say bad things about the other to their children it makes me mad.
When people keep making the same mistakes over and over again it makes me so angry I want to shake them up.
I am angry when people won't exercise their vote but whine about their government.
I go crazy when I see corruption in high places.
When violence and looting happens in the midst of tragedies.. so I get so mad.
As a person I value my peace, but the world around me makes me angry. I protest but in peace.
so I've got to stop this or I'll lose my mind.
So over the years I have decided to do what I can instead of being angry.

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First let me say a big congratulation to the winners.

For me what usually got me angry is asking of unnecessary irritating question
Gosh that can be very annoying.

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Can you give an example?

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Like please what is your name which is common facebook. Even when someone can obviously see your name.

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Ughhh annoying!!

This is an awesome initiative!

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Thanks! It's a nice way to get to know everyone a bit better right?

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-Thanks a lot @ashleykalila ..God bless you🌷

@merit.ahama thank you friend!!❤
Congrats to the 2 fellow winners @blezyn & @feyifavor 🎉..

What makes me angry?

I hate it when a person or people make fun of me..a double standard..just like a person who is good in front of me and backstabbing me. I hate that..because these are complete descriptions of betrayal, liar, unworthy, and dishonesty..most especially when backstabbing me that include my family..hehehe I will truly explode like a volcano hehe,..actually you can connect all the negative characters to that kind of person..hard to trust them. I easily forgive for my peace of mind but hard to forget!

Have a blessed day!🌷❤


I understand. Do people sometimes makes fun of you in a funny way and does that make you angry too?

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-Well I hope I would not experience..make fun in a way that..making your life a source of their talks negatively..just like shaping you the way they think about you.. it's disrespectful right,?

-have a blessed night!❤🌷

Thanks Ashley, thumbs up.

Quite a lot of things makes me angry at the moment, I think this is when a therapist needs one herself. Anyways what makes me angry most is me, when m unable to meet up to a task I have set for myself. When am not doing enough. Most times I don't care what others do to.
I need to be a better me, a better christian, a better mom of in my career I need to do better and when this ain't happening I mostly find it hard to control not been mad at myself.

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I get what you are saying but I feel the need to say that it is important to have self compassion and be kinder to yourself. :)

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I'm not sure if I am angry or upset or just perturbed and confused, but when my comment is hidden from a post for low ratings I am shocked out of mind and scared. I wonder what is going on. Did someone find a way to hack my account and post something I didn't know about? I guess I am scared and angry at the same time... scangry!!


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Any idea why it was downvoted?

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It was never downvoted, just muted out of the community.

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Oh, not Pob though right??

On leo not POB. Today they reversed the mute. Good news^^

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Yes good news indeed but do you have any idea why the mute in the first place?

Nope. They supposed to give a warning and I never got one. Something is still a little confusing but I don't think about it. I wrote a post about it yesterday and resolved it for now.

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Nice question! What really makes me angry is when im not given an opportunity to prove my innocency on something I was accused of doing.

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Would you like to give an example?

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Wow... Congrats to the winners
I guessed I missed out of the beautiful opportunity because I wasn't on the platform yet.

So what makes me angry 🤷
I hardly get angry, I give a lot of benefits of doubts, try to give 1million multiply by million reasons for the person actions before I finally react.

Also when am being taken for granted or for a fool.

And when I do, I don't know how to stay angry for long, once I express myself that's all. We move on

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What was the last thing that made you angry?

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What really irritates me is when someone tries to take advantage of another person or me, for whatever reason. I can't stand it. It makes me very angry and I've even felt depressed about it on the occasions when I've experienced it. I try to be honest with everyone and try to get things for myself without having to use anyone and if this is the case I ask for help, that person knows that I don't use others underhandedly. I think there are a lot of people who only use others for their own benefit, regardless of what that other person may feel or think.

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I really understand that. Do you care to tell about the last experience where you had that?

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Yes, of course. Until recently I had a boss (he is no longer with us) who was a bit of a slacker. Among his tasks was to report cases to Money Laundering. Eventually I would do it to collaborate with him when I saw that he had a lot of work. Well, three months before he left, almost every day I had to do it because he left before his lunch break and when they asked for the report he was not there. Where was he? Well, he was attending a deli sale that he was starting. As well as that report I had to do others that corresponded to him. I felt I was being used for his benefit, I let him know and he did not dare to make the decision to leave to fully attend to his business. He intended to attend to his business and have me cover for him in his tasks at the bank. I stopped helping him, his performance dropped because he neglected other things as well and obviously they dispensed with his services.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

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Thank you so much, congratulations to the other winners @aimharryianne and @feyifavor.

For this weeks question. I get irritated by a lot of things. One of which is someone who says what they don't mean, I don't like it when people try to act like who they are not, I see them as two faced and it irritates me.

But anger? I don't get angry so much, as a matter of fact you have to be someone I care about or do something that affects me directly for me to show you that type of emotion.

When I'm angry, I make sure to tell the person in question how I feel because if I don't tell them they may not know and it will continue bothering me, so majorly I tell them for my own peace. Once I tell them how I feel, it doesn't matter if they feel remorseful or not, I forget that episode ever happened.

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Sounds like you've got it figured out pretty well! :)

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Thank you!

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I have a pathological intolerance to falsity, I feel it on some intuitive, subconscious level. That's why I get very angry hypocrisy and insincerity, especially when a person tries to hide it..

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Living a life of pretense.

I hate it when people claim to be what they are not. They claim to be more human while they turn out to be animal.

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To start with, I try as much as possible not to get angry - whether at people or at things. I see anger as a gross manifestation of one's weakness. Yes, I get pissed off but not to the extent of getting angry. Relationships have been destroyed, lives have been lost, wars have been started, and terrible actions have been taken due to anger. I would not want to look back at myself and feel, hey! I should not have been angry!

That being said, what pisses me off really bad is injustice. It eats me up deep when I see injustice being perpetrated and people are just moving about their ways as if nothing is happening. One thing about injustice is that it always go round. You might think it does not concern you today and therefore you will rather keep mum or not take any action, there is more than enough to go wrong. SO, yes, injustice pisses me off but I try as much as possible not to get angry.

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I like being in control, not in control of others but in control of myself. I guess that's the reason I despise alcohol and any form of psychedelic substance.

So I hardly let my emotions erupt. Few times I let that happen, I become even more angry at myself.

Then I get angry at myself again, when my actions hurts those I'm supposed to love.

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I am not a person who displays anger often but it doesn't mean I am not angry. There are several things that makes me feel this negative emotion.
The first thing that makes me angry for not any other reason is excess noise. When the noise in my surrounding increases, I start loosing my temper even on minor issue.

When my time is wasted for any reasons, I feel a kinda anxiety mixed with anger.

Mess in the surroundings also provoke the feelings.

The news of sexual harrasment cases makes me feel like killing all the culprits mercilessly.

Injustice in the world also induces the feeling.

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Congratulations to the previous content winners and they did well to have achieved that feet.

let me go straight to your question,by saying anger on one part is part of life and it is something that happens when an habit or something that we dislike occurs,to me in particular disrespectful act is one thing I dislike, irrespective of how low or big someone is,to me I see been as an act that comes with belittling people around you.
So I don't give more energy to people that are find of such habit,so it trigger's my anger whenever I see it happens to me or even to someone around me.
Their is this saying that says respect is reciprocal

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Yes, I get what you are saying! :)

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