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RE: It's Saturday - Shifting focus to POB whales - Vote analysis of @proofofbrainio

in Proof of Brain3 years ago

I'd love to see a graph @amr008 if there is even a middle class or lower middle class or whatever the heck anyone wants to call it lol, for now there are VERY few who are like me with a vote that's not .00000whatever or 90...... I'll save my own thoughts on things to myself as the ones who I onboarded who have $$$ are looking for some things that I attempted to ask but just like me asking some on how the upcoming HF would potentially affect communities there is nothing but silence
and silence speaks volumes does it not? op/ed

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I agree with what you say, and there is a saying in which we can frame this attitude of this very particular character, and I will take the trouble to quote it.

Tell me what you boast about ?, and I will tell you what you lack .....

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There is definitely a lower class. Not sure about middle.

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Maybe I can get that . Will be a difficult one for sure but I like challenges hehe .

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