In the long run it is better to value things.

in Proof of Brain17 days ago

In the long run it is better to value things.

Hello smart friends; I begin by explaining a phenomenon of economic distortion, the Dutch disease, refers to an economic phenomenon in which the development of an economic sector, especially one oriented towards exploitation such as natural resources, leads to a decline in other productive sectors of a country, as the production or industry itself could be.

This term was born in the 1960s to describe the economic situation of countries Lows after the discovery of large natural gas reserves in the North Sea which affected the rest of the sectors, moved labor into that sector, generated inflation, a decline in exports from other sectors sectors hit employment, reduced investment in other sectors, the economy has become overly dependent on gas revenues and has made it more vulnerable.

The “Dutch disease” is meant here as a forced reference, in many European countries it was once the real estate sector, now it is also starting to include tourism and related industries, which among other things are not few, for example, here you should know that employment is moving.

For example, the annual growth of Spanish GDP is fueled by 41% of tourism growth, our export is internal, derived from the tourism sector, which little by little also makes us more vulnerable by being excessively dependent on one sector, one sector this too can be greatly affected by any change in the international scenario and we already know how things are at an international level.

Moreover, if we add tourism and services, the question in this country is certainly worrying, a country that wants to conquer the future must generate wealth in a sustainable way and over time, for this reason it must embrace technology, industry, exports of goods and despite being a model that feeds the national accounts very well since it sells abroad, but is consumed internally, it has a misleading final effect.

It may seem that we are growing in exports, but in reality we are accepting more tourists foreigners, which does not mean that we sell more products abroad, to be clear, it is much better in terms of wages and growth strength that we sell Microchips rather than that we sell rooms. As a hotel I am not saying that it is not good, just as I also say that it is better to sell something than not do it, but chambers can be replicated in other countries in a relatively simple way, but technological export of added value is not so easy.

What do you think? Do you work in the tourism sector and think it is oversized or still has room for growth? Our tourism should be of higher quality, even if fewer people came. This model is competitive forever. It is urgent to change direction because it is convenient and this is convenient for the macro analysis of any government as it was before, will be now and always will be because it provides a disguised sensation of economic reality.

It's like riding a bicycle downhill, it seems to go fast but you're not the one pedaling, deindustrialization in Europe has become an alarming phenomenon that we will all pay for.

Al cerdo que se hace llaman "@sunsetjesus" que le incomoda temas anti globalista, (me imagino que es pagado) te puedes ir mamar 1000 millones de huevos, pero solo eso, yo conozco muchos como tú, son golosos y quieren más. Maldito, no dejare que publicar temas que te incomoda por la estupidez que haces.