Human at default state

in Proof of Brain2 years ago

Humans for thousands of years have engaged in adventures of recovery in a bit to make life more comfortable and convenient for living. Generations after generation, the quest for discovery ceased not. The early inventors through their persistent quest for knowledge set the pace for inventions which facilitates the current spat in scientific and technological advancements.

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The quest for scientific and technological breakthroughs is proof that human existence at default has no value. Nature itself unearths man with no knowledge, or experience, uncouth, crude, clumsy and unfamiliar with the new world. Hence, the vitality for man to be awakened from such a natural state and refined himself and his environment.

Thomas Hobbes, in one of his earliest writings, described this era as the state of nature. According to him, a man in his state of nature is characterised by unhealthy competition which put him in a constant state of war with his fellow man. He added that the man's life in this state is short, brutish, and nasty.

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Living in the default nature as man is vicious, deadly and misleading. A man in his natural state is uncultured, uneducated and animalistic. People who live in this state are prone to develop incongruent attitudes like bestiality, incestuous, rape, murderous etc.

A belief system that still lures men to the state of nature should not be condoned. Looking back centuries ago, man is likely to embrace the current state of human, environmental and technological innovation to that epoch. Hence, it is out of place for a people, nation, government and religion to maintain the status quo and be primitive.

The "man know thyself" mantra of Plato is what has birthed self-discovery, self-identification and nationhood across the world. The possibility of this is a result of systems put in place by a revolutionised man, prompted by knowledge through education. The formal and informal system of education put together brings forth a dangerous and refined man.

The refined nature of man exacerbates peaceful existence and also makes him embrace the beauty of nature and technology. The existence of man is the greatest mystery that cannot be unveiled and understood by the man himself. While the earth is the greatest asset given to man, therefore, man must protect it.

It is high time we understood that man in a default state is harmful and must not be allowed to coexist with the refined man.

Thank you for stopping by.
