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RE: Creating a Culture of Abundance on the blockchain.

in Proof of Brain3 years ago

Nice article @allcapsonezero. Having an abundance mindset is so important when it comes to Magic Internet Money. It's there for everyone and as you mentioned, the more you give, the more you get. It's a kind of self-serving altruism! DPoS & POB incentivize investors to give more and that's the beauty of it.

And there are a ton of tribes out there for every kind of person and a new one popping up every week. Find your vibe and ride. :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Ya man! It is really a cool thing to be a part of. I'm trying to surf on a wave of positivity and hope that it is contagious... because really... I just liked your comment and gave you a quarter or something.

I really feel that there is a ton of untapped value in tribes... they just need a few people to pull up their socks and get people excited about it... that is more long game, but if you are here, why not?

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Same here! I am also very positive about this place and what we are building here. It's going to help so many people in the long run and I want all of us to be there. Spreading love goes a very long way.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

This is the best picture anyone has painted of POB in the fewest words.

Thanks mate. PoB to the moon 🌛

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Here is hoping (it is on us).

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