The therapeutic power of walking & the wisdom of Bees

in Proof of Brain14 days ago

A very significant number of what we find in nature contributes to the desired effects of what we want. Now imagine having a long day at work, what happens is that your body builds up stress in the muscles and this can lead to low productivity, fatigue or tiredness, frustrations, and depression to mention but a few effects.
One of the best ways of relieving this stress is probably by taking a long walk, contrary to others' opinions that walking could add more stress to the body since it is a physical activity. You would realize that although walking is a physical activity, it may also have a psychological or mental effect on the individual. Psychologists and stress managers have recommended that for a positive mental attitude, it is very important to take a walk for about a quarter or half an hour each day.

These physical activities such as running, walking, swimming, and sporting activities are usually engaging but can also produce soothing effects on the psychology or mental state of the individual. Listening to music and possibly seeing a good movie or reading books can also assist the mind to relax more. One of the most ignored aspects of our lives is our mental state of health, people sometimes give their mental state of health, little or no attention, and this calls for serious concern. It is important to engage in mind-relaxing activities in order to develop a more stable and healthy mental health.

Bees are commonly known for the production of a sweet, sticky brownish semi-liquid called Honey. Bees are social insects that are usually found in hives or nests; they usually live in colonies or groups. Although, there are wide or vast numbers of bees of different species all around the world.

The most common species of bees are the honeybees. Bees in a particular colony are usually made of three (3) groups; the queen ( which is the reproductive female in the colony), drones ( the males), and workers ( the undeveloped female bees in the colony) Honey which is gotten from bees, is known for its medicinal and nutritional advantages, it is a natural sweetener, most at times, diabetic patients and other sugar related diseases patients are always advised to avoid the intake of artificial sugar in food or drinks but substitute for honey. Another advantage of honey is, the fact that honey can boost the quality of our skin. Soaps and beauty creams or lotions containing honey make the skin glow and feel refreshed and attractive.

Bees are good agents of pollination, as they are social insects that transfer matured pollen grains from another flowering plant to stigma. In Agriculture, pollination is necessary for flowering plants to reproduce. Bees are attracted to these flowering plants during flights and feed on the nectar and pollen grains of the flowering plants.

During this process, they can easily transfer or transport the matured pollen grains (which are usually sticky and yellowish in color) from the anther to the stigma of the same or different flowering plants. Other agents of pollination or pollinators are butterflies, bats, birds, houseflies, and smaller animals inclusive. These insects may directly or indirectly carry out pollination in flowering plants.

One exciting and interesting thing to observe or note about bees is their peculiar roles or responsibilities in their colony or social community. In each colony where the queen bees, the drones, and the workers are available, each of them carries out their distinctive roles or responsibilities. The queen bee is known for reproduction, she lays several thousands or millions of eggs, these eggs can either be fertilized eggs (which in turn become the succeeding or potential queens) or unfertilized eggs resulting in workers.

The drones are majorly known for mating with the queen bee, although they are smaller in size compared to the size of the queen while the workers are responsible for feeding, looking after the eggs laid by the queen bee, and protecting the colony. A stable colony is achieved when each carries out its duties or assigned responsibilities. The exit or removal of any group of these bees would lead to a destabilized or unbalanced colony.

It is important or noteworthy to conclude that, we can pick a lesson or two from the lifestyle of the bees, lessons which include having a sense of responsibility and commitment to society and also adding value to those around us. Just like the bees produce honey, let us also be able to produce sweetness around us, so that others can also benefit.

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