Eternal Life in Christ || Vida Eterna en Cristo [ENG/ESP]

in Proof of Brain27 days ago
Authored by @Pdc


Good evening friends, may God bless you.
Today I share with you some verses that highlight the importance of the resurrection of Christ as the foundation of Christian hope in eternal life. The resurrection of Christ ensures the resurrection of all believers and the final defeat over death and sin.
The biblical text says like this:

But now Christ has risen from the dead; firstfruits of those who slept is done. For since death came through a man, the resurrection of the dead also came through a man. For just as in Adam all die, so in Christ all will be made alive.

1 Corinthians 15:20-22


Paul is talking about the fundamental importance of the resurrection of Christ. He begins by declaring that Christ has risen from the dead, and this resurrection is significant because he is the first to be permanently resurrected. Paul uses the metaphor of firstfruits to illustrate this point. In ancient agriculture, firstfruits were the first crops offered to God as a token and guarantee that there would be a full harvest to come. Likewise, Christ's resurrection is like the firstfruits, guaranteeing that others will also be resurrected.

Paul then draws a parallel between Adam and Christ. Adam, as the first man, brought death into the world through his sin. This means that death became a reality for all humanity as a consequence of Adam's sin. However, Christ, as the second Adam, brings resurrection and life through his obedience and sacrifice on the cross. Just as all die in Adam, so all will be made alive in Christ.

Amen, if you have Christ in your heart one day you will be resurrected to live eternally with Jesus and God eternally.


Buenas noches amigos, que Dios les bendiga.
Hoy les comparto unos versículos donde se resaltan la importancia de la resurrección de Cristo como el fundamento de la esperanza cristiana en la vida eterna. La resurrección de Cristo asegura la resurrección de todos los creyentes y la derrota final sobre la muerte y el pecado.
El texto bíblico dice así :

Mas ahora Cristo ha resucitado de los muertos; primicias de los que durmieron es hecho. Porque por cuanto la muerte entró por un hombre, también por un hombre la resurrección de los muertos. Porque así como en Adán todos mueren, también en Cristo todos serán vivificados.

1 Corintios 15:20-22


Pablo está hablando sobre la importancia fundamental de la resurrección de Cristo. Él comienza declarando que Cristo ha resucitado de entre los muertos, y esta resurrección es significativa porque es el primero en resucitar de manera permanente. Pablo usa la metáfora de las primicias para ilustrar este punto. En la agricultura antigua, las primicias eran las primeras cosechas que se ofrecían a Dios como una muestra y garantía de que habría una cosecha completa por venir. Del mismo modo, la resurrección de Cristo es como las primicias, garantizando que otros también resucitarán.

Pablo luego establece un paralelo entre Adán y Cristo. Adán, como el primer hombre, trajo la muerte al mundo a través de su pecado. Esto significa que la muerte se convirtió en una realidad para toda la humanidad como consecuencia del pecado de Adán. Sin embargo, Cristo, como el segundo Adán, trae la resurrección y la vida a través de su obediencia y sacrificio en la cruz. Así como todos mueren en Adán, todos serán vivificados en Cristo.

Amén, si tienes a Cristo en tu corazón un día resucitaras para vivir eternamente con Jesús y Dios eternamente.



Greetings @pdc ,

Thank you for your ministry here on Hive....what I am about to say is said with all due respect...please give it an objective hearing.

You said in your post above....

'Amen, if you have Christ in your heart one day you will be resurrected to live eternally with Jesus and God eternally.'/ it should read...if you have believed in Christ....

The Bible says ...'Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved.' It is faith alone in Christ Alone for salvation. John 3.16..'For God so loved the world, that he sent his uniquely born Son, so that anyone who believes in him, shall not perish but have everlasting life.'...translated from the original Greek New Testament by R.B.Thieme Jr.

bleujay has tremendous respect for anyone presenting the Gospel especially in multiple languages.....thank you! However I would request accuracy...the Bible says 'believe' again and again.

For by grace are you saved through faith and that not of yourselves, it is a gift from God..not of works..lest anyone should boast. Ephesians 2.8,9

Thank you for your ministry.


Amen, only by Faith in Jesus Christ are we saved.
That faith in Jesus Christ from the moment we believe begins to transform our lives, change our hearts and make us act like Jesus Christ.
It will also help us stay away from sin.
Also the word of God says that faith without works is a dead faith.
Being imitators of Jesus comes from having him in our lives, in our hearts, which is ultimately the point of those words.
I still understand what you mean and it is valid.
A big hug. God bless you.