
Very good decision. I recently did the same and never regretted it. IMO, #Mastodon is a very good replacement. People tend to be very helpful and friendly over there and there is no algorithm basing your feed on previous interactions.

I may have to give them a second chance. That is a nice platform. I may look into that. I probably still have one an old account there.

It sounds a good decision you made for yourself. Knowing what's good for you and what's not good and choosing what you think it best for is a good thing. I made similar decision for myself with Facebook years back, since then I haven't looked back.

@the-bitcoin-dood! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @collinz. (1/20)

Many thanks! Appreciate ya, thank you!

Nice, I never did Facebook, hated it from the start. Hive is all we need :) IMHO Great community here and great content all around.