See?? well, yes..

but not very good.

In recent years, my eyes got red and tired when I would play a high pixel game for too long, or just after too many movies..

This time, however, they totally almost gave up.. I could still focus enough to do stuff online, but in short bursts only.

It took about 4 days to go from feeling like someone took a razor to my eyes to able to sit at my pc as usual, but i turned down the resolution a bit and dimmed the brightness.

I need to take better care of my eyes now. I am on screen almost all day so..

the first thing to do is get enough sleep, but there are some other stuff to help out too..

First, easiest step (beyond getting enough sleep) is that I ordered me a pair of these..

beyond that, I plan to eat better (more spinach!) and also might add some eye skin care..


Gotta take care of our eyes! Spinach, might help, I think of carrots for eyes, and have been getting a bag of organic shredded carrots now and then. Easy to throw into anything I may make for a meal, cooked or raw.

Maybe MetaRobots needs a dark mode. It's a pretty bright page right now. I find I like websites with dark modes.

👁️😜🥕🥕🥕 i think i have a couple in the fridge.. :)

yea.. i vote for dark mode on all my apps.