Weigh In Results

in Canna-Curate5 months ago

Hello Everyone,

The trim and weigh in process went really well. It took me a little longer to trim the plants than I had initially anticipated, but I finally got it all done and the results were amazing!


Since all of the cannabis ended up in five jars, I simply weighed them one at a time in this blue bowl. The scale has a tare function, which is cool because after placing the bowl on the scale it can be zeroed out for weight to be added.

Let's have a look what each jar weighed.






After tallying these numbers up on Window's operating systems handy dandy calculator, the final weight is:

135.4 GRAMS

All of the guesses for the weight were less than this number, which means whoever guessed the highest is the winner.

The highest guess was 106 grams from @stekene.


Congratulations on the win @stekene! As soon as I hit the publish button on this post, 10 Hive will be on the way to your account!

In other news...

I got some new toys for the Green Crack.



This super cool grinder that was the last of its kind at a local corner store.


And they gave me a really good deal on this green elephant in the room, to smoke the Green Crack out of ;D

Also in other news...



I have two Big Mack Superstars from seed that are taking off beautifully in their flowering stage right now. I pollinated both of them so that I can have some more seeds of this amazing strain. Only one branch though because we want to ensure these girls still produce some fat resinous buds without taking too much production for seeds.

I ended up trying a little of the Green Crack post weigh in with a friend and can attest that it's some serious fire.

So tonight I'm going to smoke this fire in a fat 100 dollar bill rolling paper next to the fire :D


Thank you for stopping by!

Have a good day! -@futuremind


Awesome yield man. You did a great job with this one. Can’t wait to see how big your BMS gets.

Thank you man. I'm hoping the BMS gets fat too.

Fantastic! You're really getting good at this! Love your fireplace. You've really settled in there nicely.

I love the BMS. It's my favorite ever. It blows my mind, but not my functioning capabilities. I float on that stuff. And it tastes really good!

Thank you the lovely compliments my friend!

I love the fireplace too and feel really fortunate to have it. It has a beautiful mantel that wraps around to glass paned cabinets on both sides. I haven't determined for certain what kind of wood it's built with, but it looks like Cherry to me. I feel pretty certain that it's the original construction from when the house was built, which was 1950 according to the records.

I'm happy you are loving that BMS! I have a feeling the next BMS will be even better. I've been trying some different things, like adjusting pH with lemon juice, and the results are really astounding.

The Green Crack is in an entirely different category in terms of effects. This stuff is so strong it's more comparable to tripping when smoked, at least for me. I'm hardly functional on it and last night it knocked me out from 8:30 p.m. to 7:30 a.m. It's enjoyable though and others have tried it and love it.

Hardly functional has its place, at night. I'm glad you got a good night's sleep. Those are few and far between for me these days. I've been trying a lot of things, natural sober things, to remediate this, but I had to resort to a pharmaceutical (that had been on my bedside table for nearly two years) at 4am last night. I couldn't take it any more!

It's unfortunate to hear you've been having sleep troubles! Maybe some of the Green Crack would help you with that.
The same thing happened with me resorting to a pharmaceutical lately. One of my fillings in my furthest rear bottom molar fell out completely exposing the nerve, and eating causes it to flare up something terrible. I've taken some acetaminophen and it's helped. The expiration date on the bottle is December of 2019, and it's three quarters full. lol

Bummer! Have you tried oil pulls? They really help me with tooth problems of almost any kind. Work up to the amount and duration in the guide. If you have some essential oil of clove, add a drop. Great for tooth pain! I'll send you a bottle. You're still on a street that starts with G, right? For super bad pain, put a drop on a q-tip and apply directly to the site.

Yeah I only have OTC pain killers in my house for others, almost NEVER take them myself, can't remember the last time I did. I'm lucky in the pain department. I was having a lot of trouble with pain in my feet, but epsom salt foot baths before bed seem to have helped. I started with those to help me sleep, with some good effect. The foot pain help was an unexpected bonus.

I've been using an OTC clove oil concoction with a Q-tip and it seems to help some. If you have some better stuff I would be happy to try it! I'm still on the same street that starts with a G, for how much longer I don't know because I was served with an eviction letter stating they no longer want to rent to me when my lease is up 2/28.

Oh no!!! You're the best tenant they have! What a bummer.

Congrats on your biggest harvest to date! You smashed what I thought it would of been, but I am so rusty these days when it comes to growing.

Thank you man!
I'm definitely proud of the results I achieved on this one! It's some super strong stuff too, had me tripping the first time I smoked it.
We all get rusty at things sometimes but growing weed is like riding a bike, you'll be be growing some fire again in no time bro!

Damn he's good! He won my guess the weight contest too.

That's right! hahaha :D

Man, I hope you're just busy. Let me know you're all good, or what you need if you're not.


Hey man,

Thanks for checking in on me!
I'm doing alright here, I've just not been in the mental state to blog lately due to some mental stress. The company I rent an apartment through decided they do not want to renew a lease with me and are unwilling to even provide a reason for not wanting to renew a lease. So, I'm currently looking for a new place to live.

I cannot really fathom blogging right now given the current circumstances, but I will probably resume blogging again once I get settled into a new place.

I'm sorry to hear this is happening. I hate moving. I hope it works out so that your new digs make you glad it happened.

Oof, that's way better than I thought! Seems really great, enjoy!
Tyvm for the prize as well! <3

The 10 hive are already powered up, thanks! :D

Thank you! It was a pretty solid harvest for a single plant!
My pleasure, thanks for participating! <3 :D

Glad it later turns out well as expected

They are so weighty
Nice job!

I like weighty things lol.
The bud itself is actually fluffy and light, but there was a lot of it, and it is powerful stuff.

Great post! I love what you are doing!

Right on. This looks like some excellent stuff.

I have a similar grinder with the multiple chambers and metal 'teeth'


Thank you @litguru!

That's cool you're into these types of grinders too!

I love these multi-chamber grinders with keefing screens. I find this one especially cool because it has little "porthole windows." Like a little spaceship or something :D

Mine is missing the cool port holes and has a solid body instead. It's an excellent design.

Totally missed this post, and I am two months late. Seems like you're busier than I do 🤣 keep well buddy. Miss your smiling face 🥰

Good to see you bro.
I fell right out of the loop here..
But I'm making a comeback soon...


Each jar actually weigh quite a lot though

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Sweet harvest! It's always nice when you get more than you thought! I'd always be Happy having that fresh herb...

Blaze it!

Thank you bro!
For sure it was a nice surprise getting such a nice yield from this plant.
It came out incredibly strong too, really powerful stuff. Hit me up in discord if you're interesting in arranging getting some bro.

It is good to see that when you work hard and you get good results, all these things make a person very happy.

you are doing amazing, awesome yield.

Oh, it's hard to keep up, you've changed your picture, the round little one..Thought you were on vacation! But you've been here the whole time. Yes, I have had a little Christmas break. Back on track!

Wow ajajaja la verdad que recien veo la pequeña competencia que se armo por aqui, que divertidola verdad,¿Contento con la recoleccion o esperabas más? Muy feliz año querido amigo.

Awesome yield brother! I miss the growing days myself, fun and rewarding. Enjoy man :)

Thanks brother!

Sorry I was a little late getting back to you here, was moving to a new apartment.

I hope you're able to start growing again in the future if it's a desire of yours.

Might be seeing me bust out the guitar again soon too ;D

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