Sometimes the crop is not what was expected

in Canna-Curatelast month

This time I have to start harvesting one of my plants with buds that are small in size and you cannot perceive a strong aroma, it is a shame on the one hand because I thought I could have another plant with good buds, but everything indicated that it was not possible. It can force a plant to produce more when it has reached its limit.



In some places the buds were drying out, in others it was noticeable that the plant wanted to grow again and also the branches are very thin, it is better to go with little than to lose everything.


It does seem like it wanted to go back into veg. Which is something you experience down near the equator if I am correct?

We are in autumn in Argentina and the days lately have been strange, some days the sun comes out and it is very hot, others it rains for 4 consecutive days and others are cloudy with icy winds, many climatic changes in a short time and the plant perceives it, also it does not I took good care of it, I now have Big Mack seeds that germinated.