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RE: Day 86 - Harvest day has arrived for the Zebra Stripe

in Canna-Curate3 months ago

Yeah they came out okay, was annoying to find out I topped them when they were already flowering.. that made them stunted a little.

I do not wash my indoor buds, I keep a regimen of cleaning around the tent. Wearing clean clothes when I open the tent, and have filters on all inlets to the tent. I also clean the tent between each new grow. So the buds are quite clean.

But outdoors this year I will indeed need to wash them from what I have read. Will be a whole new experience of growing for me.


Oh... it's your first time outdoors.. be prepared. Start seeds now for outdoors.

Yep, got them going in the grow tent now. We got another month of cold weather here so I will let them veg in the tent and once the risk of frost is over I will bring them outside.

Mother's Day is the safe day here