Coffee and Pastries from Trinacria at Il Ristoro || The Coffee Shop Prompt: Week 65

Hi, foodies in the Hive!

Hope you're healthy and happy right now or that you'll be really soon 💕

I'm glad to share my post for prompt 65 with you. I'm telling you about a place that makes me crazy 😁


Savory, Sweet & Coffee

Although I spend most of my time in Cumaná, my hometown (4 or 5 days out of 7), I can say that I live between two cities, so naturally, some of the cafes I like the most are in that other city (Lechería). I loved this Italian café for its espresso and pastries; it also has a calm atmosphere and the colors of its design are invigorating. But the best thing about it is that it has an invisible umbilical cord to the restaurant across the street 😁 We can say that they're one and the same. The restaurant belongs to the mother of the owner of the café. So they are in symbiosis to please their customers 💕


When I visited this cafe for the first time a couple of months ago, it was late at night and they were almost closed; so we ordered savory pastries for dinner and were left wanting to try the coffee.


The café has been named after ancient Sicily: Trinacria

This emblem gives me the creeps. I think it would make a good tarot card 😂 I like to imagine it would mean something like “it's okay to ally and evolve, but don't expect not to be seen as weird, weird like you have three legs” 🤣 Forgive my foolish medieval humor for foreign matters, please.


This day we found this cute cat

She was so lovely and was being so cute that I thought she was hungry. We fed her before we learned she was being fed and well taken care of at the place--she ate the kibble anyway; like me, my sister always has some in her car just in case (and also water). I always like to listen to this kind of happy story. Stray animals deserve all our consideration and a helping hand.


Because of the late hour, the place was empty.


The good thing about the place being empty is that I could take my time to make some photos.


The pastries looked good and fresh.


I really wanted a piece of this; I could hardly hold myself 🙊 That lovely applesauce roll was going to spend the night cold and lonely. Not fair.


They had a good variety of pastries, the kind I like for my coffee 😋


This emblem was intriguing. I had to google it.



Probably the best coffee at a coffee shop, in my experience.

A couple of months after that, I was able to visit it earlier and verify what some friends had already told me: their food and pastries are good, and the coffee is perhaps the best I've tried in a coffee shop so far.



We recently had a Labor Day lunch; our bosses at the Unidad Médica Las Garzas (where I work every weekend) invited us to enjoy a delicious and pleasant afternoon. We sat at Il Ristoro, the restaurant across the street which owner is Trinacria's owner's mother, aka "La Nonna." We ordered our food at Il Ristoro, while dessert came from Trinacria. I found that fun and comfortable too, of course, as we didn't have to move from our seats.

As I told you, the coffee shop is across the street from the restaurant.

That day we had a caesar salad and lasagna prepared by La Nonna.


La Nonna is a good friend of my brother-in-law's family, who is one of my bosses. In the photo below you can see me with La Nonna, the blonde lady with the necklace of big pearl-like balls.


As it was one of our secretaries' birthday, part of the dessert was strawberry cake with which we sang happy birthday to her.


The cake also came directly from Trinacria and was super good. Best birthday cake from a coffee shop or bakery I've tried so far.


Soft, moist, and you could feel the different flavors. It definitely tasted homemade.



Around the Place...

We were seated in the first room of the restaurant.


When I got up from my chair to go to the bathroom, I could see the bar area, where there were more tables.


Past this area, there was a partial outdoor seating area; this is where Jorge, the most loving little monkey you will ever meet, lives.


Jorge (George, the Monkey)

Although I don't like to see caged animals, Jorge made my afternoon. His story is both sad and beautiful: he was rescued as a newborn. According to what the waiter who was feeding him told me, his mother was killed and Jorge was left in a very helpless and life-threatening situation. Now he lives here safely and happily; the cage is for his own protection, and he can go out as he pleases every day.


Jorge is friendly, nice and means pure love.


At first, I was a little reluctant because the last time I went near a monkey, she pulled my hair so hard that the pain lasted until the next day. But Jorge is different; he holds your hand, explores your surfaces, and if you're not paying attention, he may take your phone away, hehe. Monkeys will be monkeys, so be careful.


This area has a good eclectic vibe. I love the feeling of a black leather sofa next to a hut, like we can be together no matter what.


The place is also loaded with symbolism. Besides the Trinacria emblem, there's a little Virgin Mary statue. I think some of the pearls on her dress might be real (pearls from Margarita Island, I think).


Had it not been because of the hot weather, I would've liked to stay in this area and have a nice talk with Jorge; he must have some interesting stories to tell, as he has met so many people here 😄


I could find the restroom in this area. It was just as nice as the rest of the place and with the same eclectic feel.


Finally, Delicious Coffee ❤️

To close the afternoon, we had our coffee with cinnamon and sugar polvorones.


I had an espresso, as usual. The flavor was intense, but not aggressive at all. It was fruity and round on the palate, almost creamy, and very aromatic.


The polvorones were soft and crispy, with a light aroma of almonds, perfect for my coffee (or tea). But, oh, I'm coming back for that applesauce roll anytime soon! Remember?


Next time,

I'd like to have my coffee with Jorge; he promised he wouldn't pull my hair, and I'm looking forward to find out 😁

The homey vibe and love for animals that you can feel here

just knocks my socks off ❤️


All text and images are my own. I have taken the pictures with my Redmi 9T cell phone. And if any GIFs here, I've used GIPHY for all them.


Thank you so much for your visit :)


Banner by @andresromero 🖤

 13 days ago  

It's great to see you, as always! Have a Coffee-Licious Day:)

Add a he-3.jpg

All images belong to millycf1976

Thank you so much for your consideration and support, @cinnccf ☕❤️

This is a café surrounded by gastronomic luxury! What a vibrant and lively place. Beautiful display cases filled and I love their logo.
The coffee you had looks like a little gem in a jewelry box.
Your post is a photographic delight, by the way.

Hello, sis! Thank you so much for your nice words ❤️ I thought of you when I saw the Celtic emblem, with it's air of Tarot de Marseille 🤭

We must go grab some coffee there anytime soon.

Just set a date! hahaha....

I know where that wicked laugh comes from 🙊

I loved the name of the pastry shop, very original and Sicilian! Hehe!

I really enjoyed all the pictures, especially the one of the cakes and cookies! That would be my dream place and I can tell that the coffee is a real treat! By the way, I loved your partner's birthday cake 🥰😍😍😍😍🎂.

On the other hand, what a beautiful gesture of your sister to carry water and food in her car to feed the michis on the street.❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Trinacria is an amazing place, definitely worth visiting and having a nice time with good company!

I'm glad Jorge is a different kind of monkey and didn't pull your hair! Hehe

Thank you, @marlyncabrera for taking us to such a beautiful place through this post!

Jorge is a sweet baby. I'm not sure about his age, but he looks really young to me. I'll ask next time.

The coffee was fantastic.

I can imagine that Zu's pastry shop. I'd be there every afternoon ❤️ Every time I see an amazing cake, I think "Zu can do they better," hehe. You're amazing, my friend. And I'm glad you liked the place and my post. Thank you so much for dropping by 😁☕

 13 days ago  

I like the idea of an Italian cafe

The best thing about it is that it has an invisible umbilical cord to the restaurant across the street 😁

That's funny.

Cats have a way of behaving like they have not been feed for ages.
Everything looks amazing and I think you made a great decision:)
Yeah, there were some good posts, heh-13.jpg

The whole place has an Italian vibe that I didn't think I'd like so much. I've seen that only on TV, hehe. I mean, I've been at Italian restaurants before but never at an Italian coffee shop, let alone with that traditional, homemade feel. I loved it.

And the cat, well. I love all stray 'michis' in the world, and yes, they eat like there's no tomorrow 😂

Thank you so much for dropping by, awesome @millycf1976 💕 Hope you have a great week!

What a fun read! I loved hearing about these two connected businesses, and getting to have a look around with you! Jorge has a sad story, it is good that he could find peace there along with those enjoying the coffee/food. 💚

Fun! That's what I thought, at least for us customers 🤭

One thing that breaks my heart is that we can't look an animal in the eye and tell them, "Listen, this what just happened, and this is how's going to be now..." But I know that they know when you mean good for them.

Thank you so much for dropping by, gorgeous @grindan 💕 I hope mini Grindans are OK 💕💕

Hehe the mini Grindans are keeping me sharp- my youngest is almost 3 now and is picking up several words a day; life is full of giggles here!

I hope you are doing awesome too, and Horacia as well! hehe 😺💕☕️

One thing that breaks my heart is that we can't look an animal in the eye and tell them, "Listen, this what just happened, and this is how's going to be now...

I deeply relate to this, it must be so confusing to be at the whim of humanity, and never really know what we are going to do. I like to think animals feel the love though, and if not, it's rewarding to be kind to them at the least 😄 Hugs from up North 🤗


Almost 3! But you know how it is, hehe. And when they turn 4 and they already know how to ask everything, they ask everything and several times, many times a day, every day 😏 So I know you must be drinking a lot of coffee these days and will be for the next couple of years 😂 (Been there!).

I also believe that animals know when we only want good for them 💕

Hugs from the south ❤️

PS: Horacia says she's still sleepy but sends kisses to Thea and Emory...


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Thank you so much for valuing my post, @hispapro 😁 Much appreciated ☕

Always at your service Marlyn. Greetings.

you spent a day a very fun and entertaining day. When we find beautiful places with so much to discover, a very pleasant time is spent. I liked the cat and Jorge.

I hope he continues to be a gentleman monkey and doesn't pull your hair.🤭

Thanks for sharing your experience with us.☕

Happy day.

It was a good day indeed. I'm not much into monkeys, but I like all kinds of animals, and more if they don't bite me, eat me, or pull my hair too hard 😂

I think Jorge is going to be a true gentleman when he grows up. And the cute kitty is still around with its tail straight in happy moods.

Thank you so much for dropping by, my friend. Much appreciated. Have a nice Tuesday ❤️☕

Your city just be a very beautiful place. The pictures are really cool and I love those dishes and I’m sure the coffee must be tasty too
Love them all!

The coffee was a nice surprise. I wasn't expecting it to be so good 😊💕

Thank you so much for dropping by, @rafzat

Aaaaahhhh the coffee looks soooo yum!!!

It was! It might be the best coffee I've tried at a coffee shop so far.

Thank you so much for dropping by, @douceink 😁 Have a nice day!

I liked your coffee shop and the details about the surrounding area. A very good post friend Greetings :)