☕ Lemon and Peppermint For A Black Coffee ☕ [Eng/Esp]

....English Version....

Lemon and Peppermint For A Black Coffee. We are back coffee lovers and today we start the day with the best possible vibe. The energies are charged, but one often wants more and like every day I can't miss the taste and aroma of my black coffee. Now, many know that I am a lover of combinations; if I exercise, these are varied; if I make a juice or meal, I can not miss the explosive mixtures and if I prepare a coffee, this can not be so simple to enjoy it. You have already seen my coffee with coke, with passion fruit pulp, with pineapple and so on; so I said to myself, "Today's coffee can't be just black coffee? So I went to the fridge to see what I had and immediately I looked at half a lemon and a few sprigs of mint; there is the combination, enjoying this mixture must be very gratifying, I said to myself and we will see on the way.

We are all aware of the immense benefits of coffee; if we have headaches, a sip can be our remedy; it also helps heal cardiovascular difficulties, gives us energy, vitality and much more. But, by combining the diuretic, immunological, digestive and super healing power provided by the other two ingredients, it is extremely fantastic. Note, this is not a medicinal recipe, nor any infusion; but we should be aware of the benefits that our body can receive, by ingesting this delicious drink; in the end, we are just enjoying our beloved coffee along with other special additives. So, let's say no more and let's get to the preparation of our exquisite beverage.

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....What I need....

The ingredients we need to prepare this recipe, are extremely simple, here there is nothing from the other world; just locate them and then enjoy our usual coffee.:

  • Coffee already prepared, sweetened and very hot, whose amount is to the taste of each person (in my case it is just for a medium cup of coffee).

  • Half of a large lemon.

  • Two leaves of mint.



....Emotion Step by Step....

Next we go to the step by step, which is very simple, there are two steps to finish with the tasting, let's go to the action.

....Step 1....

First, we take the lemon and cut a slice of it; then we place it at the bottom of the empty cup. Next, we take our lemon squeezer, place the rest of the lemon and extract the juice which is added to the same cup. Now we have our slice of lemon and the juice waiting for the coffee.







....Step 2....

Now that the cup contains everything related to the lemon, it only remains to take the coffee and add it where the lemon is, we do it little by little so that the flavors are mixed. At the end we already have the first combination, but this does not stop there, since now we are going to place the two leaves of mint, which remain on the surface; we wait a little while until the leaves release their aroma, remember that the coffee is very hot.







....A Tasting...

Now friends, once this fabulous combination is ready; we go directly to the tasting and I tell you that the aroma and flavor that our coffee obtained are from another world, this was wonderful, always predominating the aroma and flavor of the coffee, but in the same way you can feel the touch of lemon and mint of the good herb. This is something that without a doubt you should prepare and try, for now I try and continue trying because I am really going to finish it, here there is no more for anyone, hehehe, greetings.






...Thank You For Visiting...

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Photos taken by me and Militza Núñez

Use of the Deepl translator to translate texts into English


....Versión En Español....

Limón y Hierba Buena Menta Para Un Café Negro. Estamos de vuelta amantes del café y hoy iniciamos el día con la mejor vibra posible. Las energías están cargadas, pero uno muchas veces quiere más y como todos los días no puede faltar el sabor y aroma de mi café negro. Ahora, muchos saben que soy amante de las combinaciones; si hago ejercicios, estos son variados; si hago un jugo o comida, no pueden faltar las mezclas explosivas y si preparo un café, ésto no puede ser tan simple para disfrutarlo. Ya ustedes han visto mi café con coca cola, con pulpa de maracuyá, con piña y pare usted de contar; entonces me dije ¿El café de hoy no puede ser solo café negro?. Así que me dirigí a la nevera a ver que tenía y de inmediato miré medio limón y unas ramas de hierba buena menta; allí está la combinación, disfrutar de esta mezcla debe ser muy gratificante, me dije a mí mismo y eso lo veremos en el camino.

Todos estamos concientes de los beneficios inmensos que aporta el café; si tenemos dolores de cabeza, un sorbo puede ser nuestro remedio; además, ayuda a sanar dificultades cardiovasculares, nos da energía, vitalidad y mucho más. Pero, al combinar el poder diurético, inmunológico, digestivo y super curativo que aportan los otros dos ingredientes, es sumamente fantástico. Ojo, esto no una receta medicinal, ni ninguna infusión; pero si debemos estar enterados de los beneficios que puede recibir nuestro cuerpo, al ingerir esta bebida deliciosa; al final, solo estamos disfrutando de nuestro amado café junto a otros aditivos especiales. Entonces, no se diga más y vamos a la preparación de nuestra exquisita bebida.

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....Que Necesito....

Los ingredientes que necesitamos para preparar esta receta, son sumamente sencillos, aqui no hay nada del otro mundo; solo los ubicamos y luego disfrutamos de nuestro café de siempre.:

  • Café ya preparado, endulzado y bien caliente, cuya cantidad queda a gusto de cada quien (en mi caso es justamente para una taza de café mediana)

  • La mitad de un limón grande.

  • Dos hojas de hierba buena menta.



.... Emoción Paso A Paso....

A continuación vamos al paso a paso, el cual es sumamente sencillo, son dos pasos para después culminar con la degustación, vamos a la acción.

....Paso 1....

En primer lugar, tomamos el limón y cortamos una rodaja del mismo; luego lo colocamos al fondo de la taza que está vacía. Acto seguido, tomamos nuestro exprimidor de limón, colocamos el resto del limón y extraemos el zumo el cual es agregado a la misma taza. Ya tenemos nuestra rodaja de limón y el zumo a la espera del café.







....Paso 2....

Ahora, que la taza contiene todo lo relativo al limón; solo queda tomar el café y agregarlo donde está el limón, eso lo hacemos poco a poco para que se vayan mezclando los sabores. Al terminar ya tenemos la primera combinación, pero esto no queda allí, ya que ahora vamos a colocar las dos hojas de hierba buena menta, las cuales quedan en la superficie; esperamos un poco hasta que las hojas suelte su aroma, recuerden que el café está bien caliente.







....A Degustar....

Ahora los amigos, una vez lista está fabulosa combinación; nos vamos directo a la degustación y les digo que el aroma y sabor que obtuvo nuestro café son de otro mundo, esto quedó de maravilla, siempre predominando el café, pero de igual manera se siente el toque del limón y la menta de la hierba buena. Esto es algo que sin duda alguna deben preparar y probar, por lo pronto yo pruebo y sigo probando porque realmente lo voy a acabar, aqui no hay para más nadie, jejejee






...Gracias Por Visitar...

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Fotografías tomadas por mí y Militza Núñez

Use of the Deepl translator to translate texts into English


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How delicious that looks, I really love our culture I feel looking for ways to take advantage of what the pacha mama gives us. Great and good experience.

Que delicioso se ve eso, de verdad que amo nuestra cultura siento buscando las maneras de sacar provecho de los que nos brinda la pacha mamá. Gran y buena experiencia.

That's right my friend, these are unique experiences and here we have everything to activate us on a daily basis.

Tremenda mezcla!! Me da miedo 😂😂 pero bueno el punto sería probar. Saludos 🌷🌺💐🌻

Jejeje, nada que temer, solo debe probarla

Wow, I have never tried the variant of Lemon and Peppermint For A Black Coffee. I think it is nice combination that I have to trying too. Thanks for your post. It is inspiring.

Hello, you must try this combination is very delicious and although the flavors are combined, each one is felt separately. Greetings and thank you

 18 days ago  

It's great to see you, as always! Have a Coffee-Licious Day:)

Add a he-3.jpg

All images belong to millycf1976

Thank you and a big hug to all of you

Something different, looks nice, I have to try. Greetings.

We agree, it's different and you should definitely do it, you won't regret it.

I really enjoyed your post, and I think your coffee is awesome. I'm not given to combining coffee with acidic ingredients, as I tend to go for balanced coffees, however, you have made me curious with this combination. The mint can make a lovely note of lightness.
I see you enjoyed your cup, and that is the most genuine thing we can ask from a food.
May you continue to have happy coffees.

Thank you very much for your words, it really is a delicious combination. I tell you that the lemon gives it a touch of flavor, but for people who do not go with the acidity it is very good because the acidity is not so deep. Greetings and thank you