Enjoy coffee at Barcode Coffee with friends

in Cinnamon Cup Coffee18 days ago (edited)

Last night I went again with @jasonmunapasee to enjoy the beautiful atmosphere of barcode coffee the atmosphere at barcode coffee is really extraordinary, I am very entertained by its beauty, it's really fun, the waiters who work at the coffee place are also very friendly My friends and I are very entertained when we sit with @jasonmunapasee, he's a really fun person to joke with, I really like friends like them who can keep my friends entertained. I also took some photos to share with you so you can enjoy the beauty of coffee barcodes. I hope you can also be entertained by the posts I share. ![]()

So, friends of the Hive blog who I always love and respect, I also don't forget to pray for you, I hope you can carry out your activities well.
okay bro, back to barcode coffee, the place is extraordinarily comfortable and very beautiful, my friend and I enjoyed it very excitingly while trying the coffee menus prepared on the barcode coffee menu
It tastes really good. I was very amused to see the extraordinary beauty of coffee barcode

When we went to the barcode cafe, my motorbike was damaged, the compressor was gone, I don't know what was damaged, it was really bad luck for me, friend, even though my motorbike was damaged, I continued my journey to my destination and I was calm, looking and sitting enjoying barcode coffee, the place is amazing, bro.

I took a photo with an Oppo cellphone which I thought was a very beautiful picture

OK friends, that's all my story I can share. I hope you, my blog friends, enjoy it and are entertained
see you in my next post😊


Thank you for calling me here.
It's very true as you say.
Enjoying coffee together is really fun.

The aesthetic of the drinks already seems to be so Gorgeous. I bet the taste was just as good. Great to see you enjoying with your friends, perfect ambience for the tempting beverage. 🤤✨

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