in PhotoFeedlast year

Kaia was one of the dancers in a large group shoot from September 2022.

Not much of a story for this shoot other than it was an amazing night, with some incredibly talented dancers, so let's cut to the chase and get to some photos of Kaia Dancing with the Stars.

Sunset had some great colors and cloud formations off in the distance.

With such a large group and the milky way setting below the horizon earlier in the night since it was late in the season, we started shooting the star photos during blue hour. Here's some before and afters, or without and with the stars.

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Once the stars fully came out we had some perfectly clear skies, which made viewing the stars amazing. The dancers even saw several shootings stars, which made the night even more magical.

(Unfortunately I didn't capture any shooting stars on camera that night)

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Then it was time for some doubles

(Kaia is in the green leo)

The last set of the night

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