Am I A Worker Or A Student?

in Hive Learners ā€¢ last month



Today is the first day of the month of May and itā€™s the International Workerā€™s Day which automatically makes it a public holiday. Since just about every employee is a worker, they deserve to get this day off and use it to relax in preparation for Thursday. Since the beginning of the year, it seems weā€™ve been hit with multiple holidays so far, and personally Iā€™m up for every single one of them.

Who doesnā€™t like a good holiday? Iā€™m always game with anything that allows me not to step out into the madness that constitutes of daily life in the streets. Thatā€™s just how things have gotten, but itā€™s all good. I have the whole of today to myself.


But then, itā€™s not just about the holiday. On Monday, I mentioned in passing about how weā€™ve already started our exams here in my school. It started on Monday and so far, weā€™ve been going hard at it. Thankfully, every paper weā€™ve written so far has been ending on a good note, so itā€™s great for me and I Iook forward to how the rest of the courses will turn out for me.

Personally, I didnā€™t believe that the exam was going to start as scheduled. Last year, I told you guys about how our exams were postponed over and over again just to get students to pay up their school fees, I thought that was going to be the case this time around. Thankfully, I still prepare adequately just in case, or I would have been in a pickle.


But then, as luck would have it, the rector has changed since then and no more postponing of exams. At least not this semester. It began on the very day they said it would and it would end when itā€™s scheduled to as well. Thatā€™s a good one. Iā€™m happy about this because it means that the timetable I set for myself the year is still viable.

So, with exams ongoing, you would think all I have to do is focus on my books, right? No. I still have a billion things to do, and theyā€™re all with regards to school. Iā€™m still preparing for my seminar and currently costs me an arm and a leg, all of you who have done school projects before know the cost implications. And this is just the seminar, the project proper will be by next semester.

And also, I have a gazillion practical reports to run fill out, theyā€™re all based on practical that I have done. I have the notes and everything, I made them during the practical sessions. All that is left now is to fill a report and make it comprehensive enough so that anyone who reads it will have an idea what really went on in that lab. Then, there are assignments as well, every one of them asking us to submit before the deadline or there will be hell to pay.


At this point, it seems that as a student Iā€™m working even harder than the workers themselves. Hell, this holiday is really for me! Because part of what Iā€™ll focus on is getting all those reports and assignments done so that Iā€™ll be able to return to my books.

No pressure. This is what I signed up for when I chose to come back. It only gets tougher when youā€™re almost at the finish line. And the fact that Iā€™m almost done is what keeps giving me impetus and the drive to keep pushing and to keep fighting. And that, my friends, is what Iā€™ll keep doing. Until the very end.

Cheers to a successful exam.


Thank you for reading. Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below, I would love to know what youā€™re thinking. Till we meet in the next post.

N.B: All images used in this post are mine. The thumbnail was designed using Canva.

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Ā last monthĀ Ā 

Thank you for this.

Ā last monthĀ Ā 

I can see how happy you are about this exam and I hope you succeed.
Have fun!

Ā last monthĀ Ā 

As in ehn... I just want to be done with it ASAP!!

Ā last monthĀ Ā 

Lots of study!! Lol! But I made this question a lot during my Masterā€™s and doctorate periodā€¦ not only because of the exams from the classes which I would say it is less than 50% of the time of a post graduate student life, since we need to work 8h a day to produce results like a real job but still in Brazil they dont get a salary and it isnt under any the labor laws. Instead of a salary you get what they call a ā€œfellowshipā€ which is very low compared to a regular salary in the country. And no regulations for vacation and leavesā€¦

Ā last monthĀ Ā 

Whoa... study isn't easy, and you have to make a conscious decision to undertake it or else you'll be forced to quit halfway.

Ā last monthĀ Ā 

I used to think I am not a worker but after reading this I am thinking that should I consider myself as a worker or no as I am also facing almost the same kind of situation of you.

Ā last monthĀ Ā 

Yeah... it's enough to classify as a worker. Although we don't get paid.

Ā last monthĀ Ā 

It is strange to know that workers didn't enjoy the holiday on Labor Day while the other officers enjoy holidays and do rest. The same is the case with the student, we have to make assignments and do our preparations for our projects. Glad to know, your exams are going well. I agreed students had to work more than a worker or a labourer. We should know how to manage our rest in between.