Courtesy Of The Rain!

in Hive Learnerslast month

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It’s been raining heavily for the past few days now. The more I think about it, the more I feel like I did see this coming. If you’ve been following my blog posts, then you very well know how much I’ve complained about the hot weather over the past couple of months. It has been hot for way too long and even with the rainy season underway, the clouds stubbornly refused to open up for us.

The heat was terrible, and it only got worse with each passing day. Sometimes, I woke up in the middle of the night, feeling as if I had been doused with a bucket of water, that’s usually how wet I was with sweat. I was literally drenched in it. This made me form the habit of taking my bed out to sun at least once a week because once the sweat accumulates, it becomes bad. I don’t want that.


Now, it’s beginning to look like all that heat is a thing of the past. Since Friday, it’s been raining heavily. On Friday, sometime around ten, before I went for my exam. It rained terribly. The rain came with vengeance. It was as if it had a mission. We had pissed it off by demanding for it’s presence, so it came with everything it had. Because whatever you can think of that has to do with rain, you can rest assured that it was present.

The rain came with lots of heavy winds. And as you know, when it comes with such strong winds, nothing is safe. The wind blew the rain right into my balcony. Thankfully, I predicted that earlier when I saw the dark clouds gathering and I covered my generator. For the entire duration the rain fell, and my poor balcony was battered and flooded with water.


However, by the time it finally subsided and stopped, there was no time for me to clean it up. I just left everything and hurried off to school for my exam. It wasn’t until I returned home that I started mopping off the water from the balcony. Thankfully, it stayed on the balcony and didn’t get any further, or there would have been war.

On Saturday, rain fell again. Although it wasn’t as heavy as that of Friday. It fell at night and the only purpose it served was to cool the air and make sure that everyone had a good night’s sleep.

Sunday was the most confusing because the rain fell almost throughout the day, but in between the pourings, harsh sunlight beat down on earth. It was as if the heat would come, then the rain would come to cool it off, then the heat would return, and like that. Until night fell, then the rain fell for the last time. This time around, it was as heavy as the one that fell on Friday, it came with a lot of wind but even though I covered my generator, somehow water managed to get through all my defenses and into my carburetor.


And when I tried to turn it on this morning, it couldn’t stay on. I knew I had to fix it, but I didn’t have time because of my exams. The gen developing a fault had ruined the way I planned out my day, which is the reason my post came in a bit late today. I went to school, wrote a killer exam, and came home to fix the gen. And now, here I am.

The weather is still cool, my phone is already telling me that there’ll be scattered thunderstorms tomorrow. I look forward to that as well. As long as it’s not heat, I welcome this cool weather. Let it rain over and over, after all, it’s all I’ve been waiting for.

So, dear friends, how’s the weather in your area? Are we the only ones enjoying this cool weather? Or are you getting rain as well? What do you say?


Thank you for reading. Feel free to share your thoughts in the comment below, I would love to know what you’re thinking. Till we meet in the next post.

N.B: All images used in this post are mine. The thumbnail was designed using Canva.

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 last month  

We humans can never be satisfied😅. This is because I was one of those complaining almost everyday that the heat was too much and now, it’s been raining back to back and I’m tired cos of the mushy road

 last month  

Same here. I remember how much I complained about the heat. Now the rain is here and it's beginning to look like it's too much😂😂

 last month  

It's a fact that when it gets so hot and then it rains, it's a lot of fun. Today it's really hot here in our city. It's going to be a whole month. It gets hotter.

 last month  

No worries... I'm sure it'll get cooler soon.

 last month  

Yeah. Hope so

 last month  

Too much heat and too much rain, nothing is good. You suffered loss instead of covering the generator with a cover. Feeling sorry for the loss.
In my area a few days ago we also had extreme heat waves but yesterday there was heavy rain and the wind was terrible. So the weather is now cool here.

 last month  

Yeah... It's all fixed though, so all is right with the world!

 last month  

So Bruno and his people in the East has been enjoying the cool weather, leaving us roasted like chicken here in lagos. Why is this rainy season so partial? Or are we not part of it this year? LMAO 🤣
Please enjoy the weather without complain of over raining

I really don't want it to rain too much in scared of flood!!
But at the same time..I want cold weather

 last month  

You don see am na!
No worries... You'll get the rain soon enough. Give it time!