I'll Always Stand By Them!!!

in Hive Learnerslast month

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There was a time when a topic like this was trending all over Twitter. People were in support of the motion that children didn’t have to take care of their aged parents, after all, they had lived their lives and it was time for the kids to do the same. And many people were also against the motion, after all, old age is a vulnerable time for parents and it’s the period when they need their children around more than ever.

The truth is, old age is way more than just getting older and weaker. With each day that passes, you’ll need help for even the most basic things. Living alone would be hard because you’ll need people around you to do the heavy lifting that your weak vessel won’t be able to handle.


So, for me, what do I think? Personally, I think this is all a matter of finances. I don’t think the rich people of this world would ever be concerned about their old age and who will take care of them, because even if the children are not around to care for them, they can easily pay for the care. But many people will never be able to afford it, and with the economy biting down hard on the finances of people, having an aged person in the house is an added load.

The main focus is money. There’s nothing wrong with allowing your parents to live with you in their old age, that’s when they’re vulnerable and if they’re alone, the loneliness can get to them. It’s never a good idea to live aged people to live alone. But as I mentioned already, it can be quite expensive, that’s why it’s an issue to begin with.


Personally, I have no issues with it. I know the sacrifices my parents have made for me throughout my life, and I know the support I’ve enjoyed from them to be able to get to this point in my life. So, if it comes down to me supporting them in their old age, I would never reject it, no matter how tough things are. Depending on the situation of things at the time, it can be something as basic as just sending money home, or having them come live in your house.

And then, depending on how many siblings you have, the burden of hosting the parents can be shared equally among everyone. If the parents live in the home of one sibling, every other person will contribute monthly for their upkeep. It’s as simple as that.

No parent wants to become a liability to their children, although that’s what many parents plan for. Raising your kids just so that they can take care of you in your old age means you’re planning to become a liability to them later on. However, parents who really love their kids and want what is best for them would never want such a thing for them. That’s why these days, we see parents in their sixties and seventies learning digital skills and other valuable skills that would help them in their retirement, so that even when they stop working, they’ll still have a means to make money.


No one wants a liability, no one wants anything that will add to the already numerous bills that they have to pay. However, there’s no way I’ll see my parents needing help and I won’t do everything in my power to help them out. That’s impossible. I don’t care what society or generation says. This is not just because my culture mandates me, this is not just because it’s ethical and the right thing to do, it’s simply because I can’t do anything else. I can’t turn a blind eye to a parent in need. And that’s final.

Maybe when I become a parent and I’m nearing my old age, I might have a different opinion on this. But for now, this is my stance. One of the reasons I work hard to succeed is so that I can give my parents the life they deserve, they’ve always been in my equation. So, nothing is going to change that.


Thank you for reading. Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below, I would love to know what you’re thinking. Till we meet in the next post.

This post is inspired by the third topic which is A Child’s Responsibility. Feel free to try it out.

N.B: All images used in this post are mine. The thumbnail was designed using Canva.

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 last month  

Our parents have done a lot for us and they deserve to be pampered. Also, it is necessary to make sure that the person you end up getting married to loves your parents as much as you do so they won’t hinder you from taking care of them

 last month  

Your title alone speaks a lot of determination and I agree with you point. Why wouldn't I cater for my parents need when I have the ability to take care of them?

I think people who think that their parents don't deserve their help are just chasing clout and they won't realize what it means to neglect our old ones until we become old too.

 last month  

Whenever I see people discuss about topics such as this on social media, I just pity the parent of those people. I do believe hands are not equal but for a parent that gave all they had to ensure a child survive, I believe a child also needs to reciprocate the same care and support.

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 last month  

About sacrifices, they can't be counted. Responsible Parents should be like our small God. They have done a lot and they need all the support they can get from us in their old age.

 last month  

As your topic as said, so is my desire to do.

I will always stand by my parents because they deserve all the good things of life and more.

Parents are the best things one can ever ask for. It's one of the biggest gift from God to man kind .

God bless every parents
For all the sacrifices they made so that we can be come somebody someday

 last month  

I think it's not right who leave their parent's hand in their old age by various excuses. It's not the right thing because they burned their everything to make us better, how can one refuse to take responsibility for parents? I believe that whatever I am and whatever I will be, all will be because of my parents and I will try my best to bear the responsibility.