What Do You Deserve?

in Hive Learnerslast month

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It’s not news that from time to time we all think and even believe that we deserve more than what we’re getting. We look at everything we do, and everything we’ve accomplished, and realize that truly we deserve more. And the more we keep trying to get what we deserve, the farther away it seems to get from us. It’s as if we’d never truly get what we deserve.

We work hard for it, we cross major milestones and yet, we still don’t get that particular thing. It still keeps eluding us and life just doesn’t want to be kind to us and let us secure a win. It irks when you think about it. But then, what if we’re going about it all wrong? What if regardless of everything one has done, no one on earth actually deserves anything?


Maybe we’re only confusing “Deserve” and “Desire”. Many times, if we really check it out, the things we think we deserve are just things we desire for ourselves. Especially things that others who haven’t put in as much work as you have accomplished. And so, you feel like it should come to you. Isn’t that what the feeling truly is? The idea that something should come to you against all odds simply because you’ve earned it.

It’s like this vicious cycle that we can’t get out of. We desire something, and then we work hard towards getting it. The hard work or things we’ve been through, tell us that yes, we deserve it all. Sadly, life doesn’t always go as planned. Regardless of everything, someone else could still get that very thing you believed you deserved.


When you carefully think of it, you’ll realize that truly it’s all a battle of wants and desires. When we’re wronged and we report it to the police, it’s not really because we deserve justice, it’s because we want justice. That’s why not getting it can be so hurtful.

So, one can argue that the criminals actually deserve the justice that comes their way, after all that’s why they run. They know what they’ve done is bad, and that’s why they elude the law to escape their deserved end. But come on, crime and punishment are simply cause and effect. Action and reaction. The punishment is the consequence of a crime, it’s not about what they deserve or not, it’s just the order of things. They know that, and they’re trying to escape it.


We are the ones who actually want them to be punished and to go away for a long time. This is just like saying because we insert the key into the ignition of a vehicle and turn it, the car deserves to start. No, the car will start because you turned it. There’s a difference. Because when it doesn’t start, you realize that something is wrong somewhere.

So, why am I saying all this? I have no idea. The thought kinda crossed my mind while I was preparing for my exams last night and I figured I’ll share it with you. My exam begins today actually, by noon, so I have time to come on up here and share my good thoughts.

Well, cheers to a successful one.


Thank you for reading. Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below, I would love to know what you’re thinking. Till we meet in the next post.

N.B: All images used in this post are mine. The thumbnail was designed using Canva.

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 last month  

I believe people get the things what they deserve the difference is some people get it earlier time and some get it later. People just try to show their unhappy or unsatisfied side of life to get sympathy.

 last month  

Some get theirs earlier, and for others it comes later. That's just life.

 last month  

Unfortunately, we sometimes may not get what we desire or deserve
Life can be so funny but I hope we all make the best out of it

 last month  

Life is not fair, but I guess that's the fun of it.

 last month  

For example, when a person works hard for a whole year and does not succeed in the end, then he feels very sad and demotivated and the way he thought that in such a long time. I will achieve this target of mine, it may not happen.

 last month  

But the desire to still achieve it will definitely keep him going. No matter what.