Finally Free!

in Hive Learners3 months ago

The past week has been a busy one for me because of my exams, It was not easy to perform my online tasks and also concentrate on reading for the exams all at the same time so I was lagging behind one way or the other.


It was obvious on my blog too as I was not able to post for two days which was unlike me because there is always something worth sharing but the preparation for exam took it out on me but glad I am finally free!

Out of the seven courses I registered for, Only one of those courses gave me hard time, because It was like I went into the exam hall with nothing, wrote down nothing and left with nothing... My paper was filled up a bit though but It was a kind of situation when you are not sure of your answers and you also know you did rubbish!. That course is intro to Programming and yea I dislike it with passion.

My last paper was today, the course was system analysis and I was well prepared for it as I read till and I am glad my effort paid because most of what I read came out.

Nd1 done and dusted!

I must have missed some update but I am back! like fully back to see what is on trend now... So chill me some of those nice update.

Meanwhile the few weeks we have as holiday will be used to take care of my mental and physical health.


I and one of my coursemate plan to register for a Gym class starting from Monday to keep fit and aside that, I will be sleeping more to keep my mental health in balance because I have deprived myself good sleep in the past weeks and need to recover what I have lost.

My routine will be to gym, eat, sleep and work for the next three weeks, I might post my picture after 3 weeks If I see changes in myself.😀

Just call me Burl.

I am a professional gamer, motivational speaker and a crypto enthusiast

Discord: burlarj#8326
Twitter id: burlarj1
Telegram: burlarj
God exists, I am a living testimony
Giving up is not an option, every hustler has a payday
Don't wish for it, Make it happen

 3 months ago  

I wish you well and I hope your results are fantastic. Also, make sure that you focus on keeping fit and not looking at girls at the gym😅

 3 months ago  

lol i won't close my eyes if they stay at my front or where my eyes can spot them🏃

 3 months ago  

Congratulations, Burl!
I believe your results especially the intro to programming will come out fine.
Why don't you like the course sef? Ain't you a tech bro?😅

Stick to the planned routine. Eat well, rest enough and be fine👊

 3 months ago  

am not a tech bro😫, and I don't like coding, gives me a headache!

thanks amaka, am hitting the gym tomorrow🫠

i can relate boss..
it hasn't been easy

 3 months ago  

cant wait to see the result!

i've spoken with the lecturer we all passed

 3 months ago  

You'll probably be going for SIWES, so stress, incoming lol. I Miss being in school and creating contents back then. Nowadays that excitement is gone

 3 months ago  

I think that is still when I get to nd3, well I will survive it, once am done with all this school stuff, I will be glad and that is one phase of my life done and dusted without looking back again.