The cost of living in my country

in Hive Learners2 months ago

At first, the cost of living want to kill the poor but now even the elite are struggling, the cost of living is strangling them.



The cost of living in Nigeria sky rocket this year with the Dollar to Naira increase, the budget on feeding has tripled but I would still prefer to live in my country than to move to other foreign countries.

The prices of good have increased drastically, imagine indomie carton selling for 4500 is now 12 000 naira, I don’t even want to mention the price of rice, beans and others, only the brave and rich will enter a restaurant to eat this days because the food is now so small based on the price of the ingredients they used to cook.

The first reason I prefer to stay in my country is because I am partially here and there, I stay in Nigeria but I work and earn in dollars which kind of make my income better and my expenses lesser.

I was discussing with a friend of mine this morning about what it takes to start a family and I made a point that earning 300 k Naira monthly in Nigeria is enough to start a family but he did not agree with me which is quite understandable because even with that amount to be enough, one need to take away some responsibilities from his shoulder and also forfeit some wants.



*As at now, I spend nothing less than 150k on food monthly and there are some other bills that I need to pay ranging from electricity bills, transport, fuel, and others but I still think 300k cover up for all that.

I did not add data bills because I don’t sub monthly , I sub for yearly 1 terabyte which doesn’t last for a year because I only have 400 gig left from the one I did last year December and I am sure I will exhaust it within 2 months.

Amidst all this things, I still prefer to stay in my country because I earn online, If I move to countries like USA or Uk, My earnings won’t be enough to keep me going and I would have to search for a work which would earn me enough to pay my bills there and based on what I have heard so far, most of my country people in those countries do not have a nice job.

It will distract me from the online business which will also affect my earnings online, I have a friend who moved to Uk and she could not be active online like she used to when she was here with us in Nigeria.

This is one of the reasons I am not eager to leave my country, I love it here. Prices of goods are going up but it is still good compared to going abroad or changing countries.

This is my own opinion, it might not be the same for others.

Just call me Burl.

I am a professional gamer, motivational speaker and a crypto enthusiast

Discord: burlarj#8326
Twitter id: burlarj1
Telegram: burlarj
God exists, I am a living testimony
Giving up is not an option, every hustler has a payday
Don't wish for it, Make it happen

 2 months ago  

It must have been tough with this much inflation. Do you see any light at the end of the tunnel? It's good you are earning online and this inflation is kind of working out for you, else it would be way worse. Nice writeup bro!

 2 months ago  

Yea it would have been so bad if I was working offline cos they are not increasing workers salary but price of goods goes up more

 2 months ago  

We all love where we live and did get use to it. It is hard to get settled in other country all of sudden if you are in big company or in good ruptative job then things are different for sure.

 2 months ago  

Some people will sel their properties worth millions to move to another country and end up on regret. I wonder why people do such a thing unless they have a good paying job waiting for them over there

 2 months ago  

Earlier, I thought that the conditions of our country have become worse, but after reading yesterday's posts, I found that inflation has become very high everywhere. It is becoming impossible to live in every country due to inflation.

 2 months ago  

It is everywhere, may God continue to enrich our pocket

 2 months ago  

The situation of my country is almost similar and sometimes I also feel to escape from here. In case of financial thing, I don't think too much because my father handling the issue.

 2 months ago  

Lucky you man, your father got you covered

 2 months ago  

Even with this inflation in Nigeria, it is still better compared to other countries. Living abroad means you have to be working more to meet up with the taxes, rent, food etc over there.

 2 months ago  

Yea you get my point that some people refused to consider

 2 months ago  

The good thing is that we are earning in dollars and when we exchange it to naira, it is a lot of money. It will even be better to stay in the country and build things with the dollar we are earning

 2 months ago  

You are on point, this is exactly why I choose to stay here .

 2 months ago  

I feel happy when I hear them say they want to live here and make it big here, it's a really good thing to do, cause when you relocate to another nation the first months will be hell imagine selling all your properties here just to relocate and starting afresh there, having nothing to fall back to when things go astray.. Currently, the best thing I've ever done that has been helping me is "hive" If not f
I wouldn't have anything to fall back on.

 2 months ago  

Some people sold off their properties and left the country, some regret ever making such decision while some got lucky, I stil think that it is unwise to take such a decision.

Since I left hive it's been hell, but since am becoming active life seems to get easier and I tend to get more clarity on things.... I won't want to leave Nigeria right now even though I can't afford the cost of living now but I know the break through will come through hive

 2 months ago  

Why did you leave hive ?

Was busy with offline activities

 2 months ago  

Alright, welcome back

Thanks boss

Good for you that you are earning dollars. We are on the same page, inflation is also happening in Philippines and we are living where the wages are not enough to sustain our daily living. That's why I'm planning to work online someday and earn in dollars just like what you are doing, in that way my earnings will afford the cost of living here in Philippines. It's costly to work abroad plus taxes. Working remotely and earning dollars is a blessing.

 2 months ago  

you are already earning online by blogging on hive

Greetings @burlarj ,

It is so true...inflation is does seem like another place would be better especially when we do not have all the data...however inevitably when we have more information ...the grass is not greener...just other or even the same issues to deal with...right. Smiles!

Thank you for this thought provoking post.
