in Hive Learnerslast month


Hello everyone! It's your chyxille back again for another blog. How are you all doing? Are you good? If yes, then that's great. Today, we will be blogging about what could possibly happen in an online research defense?🤔

What is research Defense?

Research Defense is a presentation and discussion about a certain study that you conducted. It is where you tell the panelists what the study is all about and provide a summary of the conducted study.


So, a day before the defense, we decided that we would meet up to study the research and help each other during the answers and questions about it.

The day had come, and the defense was at 9 am in the morning, so we should go to my group mate's house at 8 because their house is far away from ours. We arrived at 8:30 maybe, during that time, we still needed to wait for our other member, but the other one didn't show up because he wasn't able to wake up early, lol. We just waited until the link that we would be joining was posted by our panelists, who is our subject teacher in research.

Then the research started. I was a bit nervous because I don't like defense, but in my mind, I just told myself it's our last thing to do so we could move to the next school year. The defense was a bit challenging, but I managed to answer the questions that were assigned to me, thank God.



A selfie of mine and @mholldy08 just chillin in the bed haha lol

After our turn, we were just chilling and laying down in bed doing nothing, but then we realized that we still had the paper and coding to do. So, moments later, we decided that I would do the paper and my friend would do the coding.


A shot of my friend doing the codings & checking the wiring

Since we still needed jumper wires and didn't have the exact ones, we asked our groupmate named "Alfred" to go to the nearest electronic shop to buy them. Unfortunately, after waiting for an hour, he wasn't able to find any. That was sad.


This is us just chilling while waiting for Alfred haha

After a while, Alfred arrived, exhausted and full of sweat. He explained that he walked around Bogo to find them, but unfortunately, he didn't have any luck. Poor him.


Here is our food,that looks so yummy

Then Elijah's mom told us to have lunch since it was already 12 noon, so we just ate peacefully while Ma'am Ivy was still questioning the last group, haha, lol.

The defense ended, and it was a big day indeed. I felt a bit nervous, but I managed to do my thing with God's help.I am very thankful that it was over, it's good to hear that I'm finally done with school works but I'm far from the finished line but atleast I already started.

That's all for today hivers!Thankyou for reading my blog.See you next time!God bless you all💐💗


Congratulations Ma'am @chyxille your efforts,time, and sleepless nights in your research paper finally paid off.