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RE: Water, Water Everywhere, but is it Safe to Drink?

in Hive Learnerslast month

These are some of the things that make people sick repeatedly even after spending so much on treatments. Drinking water is not something anyone should joke with, atleast if we don't want to be mindful of anything we consume, drinking water should be an exception.

Most people who sell water don't wash their tanks, I even love the woman's sincerity, some would have lied. For sachet water, maybe there are brands we can trust but I am still scared of them, we once bought sachet water and discovered particles of dirts inside. How they got inside only God knows, what of the preservatives used on them?

I was so excited when I read the part of boiling even sachet water, that shows how careful you are. It's so pathetic that even after reading these things most of people will go back and be careless about the kind of water they consume.

 last month  

Hahaha 😂, only God knows how particles got inside those water, lolz... just stop buying that particular means they are not intentional with the treatment..try others untill u get the one that is fair

Like I don't know how some people feel safe drinking anything that looks like water without considering the source
It's better to starve on minerals and get a clean drinking water