The Ideal Adult Age: Reflections on Maturity, Rights, and Responsibilities

in Hive Learnerslast month

I can still remember vividly when I was about turning 18, the excitement was heaven, it was a defining moment when I realized that I will be granted some certain rights and responsibilities that come with being recognized as an adult. However, the question for this prompt is when do you think that we are full adults, this has been a question that has caused a lot of debate, with varying opinions on whether it's too soon or too late to confer adulthood upon individuals. Let me share my thoughts on this complex issue, does age truly define maturity, and what implications does this have for our societies?

Red White and Black Modern Birthday Older Adults Birthday Banner_20240503_103806_0000.pngimage made on canva

In my country Nigeria, the legal age of adulthood is set at age 18, at this point an individual is deemed capable of making independent decisions and assuming full responsibility for their actions, he/she has the right to participate in the legal affairs of the country, right to vote and be voted for. While some people may argue that this age is appropriate, others contend that it's either too soon or too late to bestow such rights and responsibilities upon individual at that age, well If it were up to me to determining the right age of adulthood I would have put in some various factors into consideration including cognitive development, emotional maturity, life experience, and cultural context. While age can serve as a useful tool to determine maturity in some cases, it's not always an accurate indicator of an individual's readiness to navigate the complexities of adult life, yeah because I have seen people who are up to that age of adulthood still acting up like a child while many young children comporting and behaving as adult so in cases like that we can really say that age alone is a determinant of adulthood when we have other factors to consider.

In a developing country the process that determines an individual moving from adolescent to adulthood is usually marked by a comprehensive support system that equips young people with the right knowledge, creative skills, and resources they need to thrive. This would include good education on financial literacy, how to make good decisions, conflict resolution among others and emotional intelligence, empowering individuals to make informed choices and contribute positively to society are things that truly determine and equip an individual to act as an adult not age alone.

Moreover, recognizing that maturity is a multifaceted concept that extends beyond just a particular age, there should be mechanisms in place to assess an individual's readiness for adulthood because if you look closely into the society we have today, you will realize that some people were notvjust ready, they just woke up to realize they have clock that age of adulthood, i personally think that the mind of people should be prepared ahead of time this could involve good mentorship, programs, counseling services, and some community based initiatives that provide guidance and support during this critical period of transition from adolescent to adulthood.
At the main purpose of this discussion lies the fundamental question, which says does age really matter when it comes to maturity? While age can certainly influence an individual's level of maturity to some extent because there are some experience you will never have until you get to a certain age,but at the same time it's not the sole determinant. Maturity is a complex interplay of personal growth, life experiences, cultural influences, and social context, making it difficult to that maturity is by age.

Thanks for reading


what's funny to me is that many young kids have a way of understanding reality that is much closer to actuality than the "rules" we are taught when we grow up and get more socialized.

the capacity to think for oneself gets smaller and smaller. when really it should get broader and broader. maturity is not measured by how well we play by other people's rules but by how well we honor our own understanding of the world and how well we uphold human common sense ethics that do not require laws because they are self-evident.


 last month  

Absolutely! It's fascinating how children often perceive reality with such clarity and simplicity, unencumbered by the complexities and societal norms that come with adulthood. As we grow older, there's a tendency for our capacity to think independently to diminish, when in fact, it should expand.

 last month  

I think the point you raised and that most of the texts I read also raised, was if age really means maturity, great text, keep up the good work

 last month  

Thanks dear for stopping by

 last month  

An interesting topic. I have learned something from this and I also got an idea on something I would love to talk about
Like you said, she doesn’t determine maturity and I believe everyone who is already in the adulthood stage is classified to be mature because it takes a lot of maturity and responsibility to attain such level

 last month  

Yeah that's very true. Thanks for stopping by

 last month  

You’re welcome