Reclaiming Togetherness: The Power of No Phones at Family Gatherings

in Hive Learnerslast month

Image by David from Pixabay

I've noticed families are evolving in a different way never seen in the past times before and in sometime after a decade or so people will be like talking about this time from where it all started changing.

In majority of houses like everyone is busy with their phone and it's already normalized like parents have stopped complaining cuz they're also becoming addicted to mobile screens.

when it comes to family time it is so little or zero time spend with family in some cases which is alarming.

A person who don't spend time with family

I remember this movie "Godfather" where it's a legendary words that "a man who don't spend time with family ain't no man or can never be one".

I've taken these words seriously and been like spending time with family especially mom and than brothers.

Image by Daniela Dimitrova from Pixabay

When we sit in the gathering and start talking about the random things we realize the importance of bond and the relationship.

It's not just that but sitting with family opens your mind like you become aware of what's going on in your family/relative/neighbourhood and you can't miss out on the latests or be surprised hearing things from someone else when family have told you.

We're the last generation

Millennials and GenZ parents been strict with us and raised us without giving tablet/smartphone on the dining table.

I used to play games on PC but that was in limit approx 1hr a day was allowed.

Image by Pexels from Pixabay

Now I see people can't eat food unless they have some YouTube video's on the mobile and I myself was once became like this in COVID time.

My grandpa literally had to hide the phone somewhere and didn't given me for 30 days to get rid of my ugly habit of using phone all the time.

From being isolated at one room to joining the gatherings and sitting with the family and discussing matters i learnt it from the elder one in home and now I'm like totally against of using phone doing dinner, or in a get together.

The first rule of our family Get-together

Is to leave the phone on charge and forget about it. whenever we watch movie together it's like banned to use phone and the one who did ain't gonna watch it and will have to sleep early without phone.

Image by Anja from Pixabay

Where I've been raised is a family who knows to make everything more interesting and the phone part is most interesting one. Our gathering goes on late night till 3-4 easily like playing truth and dare flipping the bottle and more which is more fun than using mobile.

Wrapping up...

I believe still it's not too late like in every family there's one or two person who see's and notice everything and when someone use phone too much, they simply tell it's not right.

The last time I used phone while doing dinner was long ago and now things are better, it's important to have a good quality time with family.


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All the content and images are mine except indicated. No copyright infringement intended. 07/05/2024.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


It's interesting how you differentiate between the utility of phones in personal versus family settings, highlighting a common dilemma many face today.

We have chosen this post to be curated by MCGI Cares Hive community. We are inviting you to join our community that study the words of God. You can also follow our official Youtube Channel. Keep doing the great job ❤️

 last month  

Thank you.

 last month  

The text is very good, I used to have a set time to play video games, I had limits both for financial reasons, as well as for education and rules, nowadays children aged 4 to 5 already know how to use cell phones better than many people, time seems to be moving forward very quickly.

 last month  

Glad to hear, at that age I didn't even had any idea how to use a button phone like Nokia 😂 kids nowadays knows too much.


 last month  

kkkkkkkkkkkkkkk nokia is the power lol

 last month  

Hi idksamad I truly agree with you the new generation is completely obsessed with cell phones they need them while eating, sleeping, and even during playtime also, and I see parents are the biggest culprits in such situations though I am not blaming them they are the ones who can take a step to stop such things.

 last month  

Hey, yeah parents need to be more responsible about this matter.. parents seem to be already the victim of phones.


I also used to be on my phone while having dinner, this created a split attention in that I was just eating without really eating since the focus was on my phone and not the food. But then I begin to realize how bad of a habit this is and how it affects our mental health, so I stopped it immediately and from there I just become more aware of when I use a phone in family gatherings.

 last month  

same, can totally relate with it. Glad we've changed for better.


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It's good to have rules in the family when it comes to phones.

 last month  




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