Rethinking the Norms of Parental Care in Africa

in Hive Learners23 days ago


I grew up to meet the African culture and belief that children are compulsorily meant to take care of their parents when they're old, or at a time when the children have come of age. It's a practice that I've never in one day heard a debate about, and that's because it's more like remembering the hand that fed you, when you've made it.

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It's what I grew up with, it's what I've seen people practice, it's what makes some parents give birth early, and it's our culture, so I don't see anything wrong with it. The only issue I'm concerned about is how much inconvenience or burden it will pose to the child, especially when they are not financially stable.

Using myself as a case study, I'm currently in that spot where I go out to hustle, and after that, I tip home a portion of it willingly. Although most times it's burdensome, especially when the earning is not as big as anything, where the earning will not be able to cover my expenses, I would feel like keeping it, but there's a reminder in my heart that does ring a bell, reminding me that sending funds to parents is a law of existence, and with that, my mind willingly succumbs to it.

It was earlier this week when I was listening to a programme on the radio and a lady was talking about a certain lady who goes to church often, a title holder in the church, but finds it hard to take care of her mom, who lives in the village. You see how people see it in my part of the world; it's a law that's not negotiable. If you're rich today with millions in your account and your parents are begging for food, you're POOR in the eyes of people who understand humanity.

Is it fair for the children?

Like I said earlier, if the finances are there, which is the major carer for anyone, it wouldn't be a problem. I mean, if the parents are well-to-do and have many running investments, then taking care of them by their children isn't supposed to be a big task.
But it becomes a burden when the parents have nothing left and the children have nothing tangible, only hustling hard to earn a living.
You know, when the children get married, they have their own immediate family to cater for, which is already hard when earnings are not buoyant, so adding another expense from the parents would make it more difficult.

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I don't know about how it is in developed countries, but I think the African tradition should be amended in such a way that parents should have investment ideas and a future for their old age. You may say something like that is already in existence in our African land, but let me tell you, planning for the future by parents is only done by rich parents, or, let me say, average parents that had something to do in their working era. The poor ones only live with their full hope, depending on their children when they're grown. Oh, they call it investment too, or isn't it?

Thanks for reading.

This is my entry to the Week 113, Edition 03 of the Weekly Featured contest in Hive Learners Community

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 23 days ago  

I also don't see anything wrong in a child reciprocating the love his parents had shown to him when he was little to them when they were old.
I believe it is a normal thing to do

 23 days ago  

Yeah, a very big normal thing to do.
It's a necessity 👌
Thank you for stopping by

 23 days ago  

I believe caring for ones parents is a necessary obligation but it isn't mandatory at all. The world is evolving now, our parents can save up little by little to take care of themselves while the children support them not that all their responsibilities will be fully funded by the children.

 23 days ago  

Are you asking if you’re an investment ? 😂. You are oo.

You said it all, we are bound to care for them. Even to the rich ones with wealth. They still need this care when they grow old. They won’t be able to do much again. They might get house help. But not compared to the way a kid with treat their parent with utmost care, respect and attention.

I think Karma also has a role to play here too. God help us all.

 23 days ago  

Its fair if kids taking care of their parents in old age. If they can support us and help us when we were in leering stage then its not wrong if they also seeking our help in time they need us.

 21 days ago  

Yeah, it's a much needed help back to them.
Thank you for stopping by.

@guurry123! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @kingsleyy. (2/20)

There is less pressure to take care of your parents in America and Japan but people still try to. Parents tend to be smart about investing and there is social security which we pay through our taxes in Japan (it’s killing me haha)

I don’t think children should be responsible for their parents but if they want to take responsibility willingly then that’s a beautiful think. Actually I feel in many ways my parents held me back from achieving my goals and so I don’t feel much of an obligation, even though I believe they tried their best.

I want to take care of them eventually but I think I owe it to myself to take care of myself first since I took too many detours due to fear they instilled in me. I don’t think it’s bad they are still working despite being retiring age because they don’t have many interests and hobbies and I think they’ll get sick from boredom otherwise.