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RE: Water is life and clean water is essential for our daily use

in Hive Learnerslast month

Villages truly have limited water sources and that has resulted to so many drinking unclean and unsafe water. Some have borne hole and the water from the borne holes can be very very hard with lots of contaminated particles, you will be shocked what will be seen if boiled and filtered.

I was shocked the day a friend said he saw mucus in pure water he bought, how can treated water have mucus in it.

If not for trusted water companies, so many now are just selling unclean water in the name of sachet water. Filtration is the easiest and cheapest step to having a healthy and clean water. Once its boiled and allow to cool and it's filtered. It's very safe and clean, I do that very often instead of buying sachet water that I'm not sure if it's treated or not.

 last month  

nice one, probably this is what i will be doing now too.

 last month  

That would be helpful.