My Son's Haircut Adventure: A Funny Tale of a Curious Toddler and a Buzz Clip

in Hive Learners9 months ago

But to begin with, I would like to say thanks again for verifying this newbie.

Of course, I am now taking that as an opportunity to post my first entry in this lovely community and am happy to submit a post for the Weekly Featured Content.

So let me tell you my funny story.
At the time, I definitely couldn't laugh about it, I would rather burst out in tears but in hindsight I happily did.

Every day I work with children and that provides me with a bunch of funny, touching and sweet stories.
But this story that i'm about to share with my youngest son is the star player.

He was three at the time (now almost 13) and a boy who was and still is very adventurous.

This also often got him into trouble.
Not a second you could take your eyes off him.
And I knew that if it was very quiet in the house something was off.
Better drop everything you´re doing and go check on him, because he'd probably be doing something that wasn't allowed.

I was not hard to find some pictures to give you an indication of all the naughty stuff he was capable of.

In the first photo, he is sitting under the kitchen table, different kinds of meat in front of him and is munching happily on it.

He had taken this out of the fridge himself and wanted to snack on it secretly.

Nothing was safe for him.

This is evident in the second photo.

The cream that was normally smeared on his bottom was now happily sticking to his face.

He was having the greatest fun and enjoyed himself the utmost.

And the last picture.

Yeah..... what else can I say.

Potty training did not go as planned.

My son has a mind of his own how things should go.

But these are just a few examples of what a rascal he was.
The worst one I am now going to share with you.

Summer, 10 years ago.
We were at a my nephews house to celebrate his birthday.

The whole family was sitting outside and we were enjoying delicious cake, refreshing drinks, good company and the fine weather.

We were busy chatting and our family's children were playing here and there.
A couple played outside with the adults but some were also playing inside the house.

My son, who had been playing next to me for quite a while, had also gone inside to continue his play there.
Time passed and I hadn't heard or seen him since.

I was chatting pleasantly and having a good time.
No alarm bells were ringing. And thought everything was just fine.

Until my cousin suddenly stood next to me with my youngest son and some clippers in his hand.

The brat had gone to the bathroom, found the clippers and then managed to turn them on.

In the middle of his head, from front to back, a strip had been shaved away on the smallest setting.

Sadly I haven't got any pictures of his haircut because at that moment I could cry.

Because in order not to make a fool of him, the remaining longer hair also had to be shaved away to get the same length again.

So for several weeks he walked around with a shaved cut.

I hated it but luckily his hair was soon back to its old length and I could look at his beautiful dark blonde hair and pretty face again.

Now I can laugh at this wholeheartedly because this really does define my youngest son's character.

Scared to death of what he will do in the future.

Wishing you all the best in life and much health.
Paula (@meraki7578)💚

📷 Photos: All shot and owned by me

Thank you.jpg

created by Canva

 9 months ago  

In Childhood, We all do things like this. Toddler life is a funny life indeed.
Hi, it looks like you are not an HL verified member. You need to complete verification from HL discord for more chances of Curation. Join their Discord to get more information. Thanks!

 9 months ago  

Thanks for your response and for taking the time to read my story.
And no worries regarding verification, as of a few days ago I have been verified.

 9 months ago  

You didn't have an HL badge. Then how are you verified member?

 9 months ago  

Don’t know what you mean with a badge. But this is next to my name in the post.

Wave Media

 9 months ago (edited) 

You are Netherlands verified.
Check Peakd profile, above to your reputation there need a badge for verification.
Check this.

 9 months ago  

Thanks for the explanation.

Have I understood correctly that this badge will be awarded after verification?
Or do I still have to apply for it somewhere?

 9 months ago  

You need to apply in HL discord.

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 9 months ago  

That's how babies do...hahaha
I'm sure that's because they don't know what they are

 9 months ago  

Thats a really funny story! Kids always create some bipolar feeling… sometimes we want to kill them or laugh at the same time!!


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