The economic growth of Nigeria, a way forward via Adoption of population control

in Hive Learners13 days ago (edited)

Hello Hive

The economic growth of any country can be directly implicated, either positively or otherwise, by the number of its population, especially when we try to compare the working-age group to the number of dependents in such countries.

In a country where a good number of the population falls under the dependent category of children, underdevelopment may become an obvious and visible norm. The older age groups are too old to work, becoming dependent pensioners for the government or laying in wait for their families to provide for them. In the same manner, having a good number of children in the population can also hinder the growth of a nation, as the children are also dependent and cannot work or add to the work force capacity of such nations.

Hence, the economic growth of a country is directly related to the number of workers it has in the middle category of both the old and the young.


In ancient times, the capacity of each family was determined by the number of children it had, which could defend the family when war broke out. Having a large family is a source of pride, as the large population can be equally deployed for farming purposes, which is the major occupation of the time.
Such a lifestyle was possible because there were more farmable lands and the population of the world was smaller.

As population increases, the available resources of the world and each nation in particular are continually declining and have to be managed for them to circulate among the people. Thus, countries like China place a law on the possible number of children each family can have in order to reduce their population to be in line with the resources of their country.

The lands available for Agriculture trade and commerce including other resources are gradually depleted with increasing number of people

Will reducing the population of Nigeria have any positive effect on the country's economy, Which approach can be used to reduce the population of the people here in order not to overwhelm the systems and natural resources?

A practical look at the situation shows that certain categories of people in the country now bear more children than others.

Education has played an important role among the learned of the country, who now understand the impacts of having fewer children to align with the country's economy. With the ever-increasing level of inflation, people are beginning to realize that it is better to have fewer children that one is capable of raising without much stress than feel the house with a lot of hungry mouths. Family planning has been increasingly adopted over the years by a few categories of people.

Coming down to the unschooled categories of our country, most of this populace holds on to religious doctrines that believe in having numerous children with this common
statement that children are a gift and blessing from God, and the God who gifts us children will provide what is needed to nourish them. Even if the parents are jobless and have no capacity to provide, Bearing children is something to take pride in.


Sometimes I am in awe of the number of children beggars in the street. It is obvious that they are jobless and beg to eat, yet they go ahead and bring forth children, teaching them the act of begging right from childhood. All around the streets and corners of the country is filled with these people. Even the lowest and middle class of our society are struggling to survive because of limited resources. While there is a heavy competition on what is remaining as people are working hard to gather these resources for themselves and family's alone.


The last census in the country was in 2006, with a record of about 140 million people, which then increased to 200 million 13 years later, according to the national population commission. The current figure can be assumed to have doubled the later figure as no proper record of childbirth is being kept and there is obvious physical evidence of the increasing number of people.

An emergency approach needs to be taken in order to implement and enforce population control laws, control the number of childbirths, and sanction offenders. It is an alarming situation that the population of Nigeria has yet to witness any control approach, and sooner or later, this will overwhelm the resources available in the country.

This will go a long way toward reducing the number of vulnerable categories among the elderly and young, thereby increasing labor and the working-class categories. Provide more room for investment and development in the country, equal distribution of resources, and a more easy life for everyone.

This is my take on the subject of the impact of population control with regards to my country.

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Thanks for stopping by.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha

 13 days ago  

The sad part is that
A good number of population is good but when there is no number to check the number of people living in a country, there is no way we can know the working class, we can determine the amount of company to set up so people can be productive, higher level of illiteracy because the number of children outweigh the number of schools that are set up.

It’s like being born in some country have already set you up for a life of struggle because everyday, 1k children are born

 13 days ago  

That is the conclusion of the matter, a good additional analysis from you.

 13 days ago  

😊yes o

 13 days ago  

Now, about this whole "children are a gift from God" thing - I totally respect people's religious beliefs, but at some point, we have to use our brains too. I mean, if God gave us brains, I'm pretty sure He expects us to use them.

And let's be real, bringing kids into the world when you can barely feed yourself is not exactly a gift to the kid, it's pure madness

 13 days ago  

I swear, they have barely fed one yet go ahead to have another and yet another

The idea that resources are limited is completely WRONG.

The most important resource is people, particularly educated innovative people.

All other resources are unlimited, its just our ingenuity to un lock them.

Was Oil a resource 200 years ago?

Was Uranium even a resource 100 years ago?

Wad Lithium an important resource 30 years ago?

The world is suffering a massive fertility collapse that will destroy civilisation if not reversed.

Nigeria is one of the few countries still producing enough children to HAVE a future.

 11 days ago  

This is right in a way and I totally understand your views

Humans are the most important resources but what if productive opportunity aren't available to the people on ground. They become as useless as anything else.

All other non human resources are limitless but they are all controlled by the hands of the corrupt few.

Hence we are of the opinion that if you do not have the opportunities that will present and translate into the finances needed to raise children then it will be wrong to have them in large numbers and not be able to cater for them.

Thanks for engaging, I got some light from what you have penned down.