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RE: Importance of Clean Water for Health and Well-being!!!

in Hive Learners • last month

Princess, how will you be drinking water from well 🤦🤦
What kind of well are we talking about here? In my father's house, mum built a well and the inside is plastered with cement that the type to urs? My sister...those days of drinking well water at home..we were also drinking cement indirectly 🤦... and spending money in the hospital as well
Now we all know better
What we send on drinking water alone this days is enough to pay school fees but good health is everything

 last month  

Princess, how will you be drinking water from well 🤦🤦

Don't mind me jare 🤣🤣 na low level poverty then. But now, how dare me to drink well water? Lol
Our own well then, it was built with mud, imagine drinking muddy water 🤣🤣 life then sucked but thank God today.

Yes, good health is everything, no excuse for not spending money to get the necessary needs to stay healthy