We owe our parents everything.

in Hive Learnerslast month (edited)

Hello, everyone

Welcome to my blog and another wonderful edition of the Hive Learner's featured post. Sometimes I feel like social media is not a safe space; people just type whatever comes to mind and make it public; some just sit in front of a camera and misdirect people for no reason. Someone came on Twitter a few weeks ago and tweeted that kids owe their parents nothing and children should not be saddled with the responsibility of taking care of their parents. That might be her opinion, but certain opinions really need to be kept private and not made public, and this type of opinion is one that needs to be kept to oneself and not shared even with close friends.

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Parenting is not a journey you wake up one morning and decide to embark on; you must be prepared for the responsibilities that come with it. A lot of adjustments must be made as a parent because you now have someone watching your every move and following in your footsteps. Wherever you miss a step, they'll miss a step too, so for that reason, a lot of people adjust to being the good parent their child can emulate.

Parenting will stress you emotionally, mentally, and, most of all, financially. If you don't have what it takes, it is best not to go down that road because many did and they failed woefully. Failed parenting does not only affect the family, but the entire society suffers from the mistake of one parent or parents. These days, many people rush into parenthood not because they are ready but because they want to have kids at a young age and not when they are old. That is still a good reason, but not good enough to rush into parenthood when you don't have what it takes.

Are children supposed to take care of their parents in old age, whether financially capable or not? For me, I feel it is the right thing to do even without being told. Many parents did not have enough but still made provisions for their children. I really don't see why financial incapabilities should stop one from showing their parents love in any little way possible. Every child is saddled with the responsibility of looking after their parents when they are old. I watched my parents make huge sacrifices for my siblings and me. My mom had to quit her nursing job to become a stay-at-home mom just to ensure our safety after a housekeeper that was brought to look after us while they were away exposed us to a lot of dangers. My dad, as a military man, said that people fear to thread just so we can have all that we need. As a kid, I felt it was my right, but now I see that they did me a huge favor, and I am forever indebted to them. There is nothing on earth I'd do for them that would be equal to what they have done for me, so I can only do my best, knowing fully well that it is debt I can never pay off. Every child ought to know that taking care of their parents in old age is the right thing to do.

Lately, many kids are influenced by what they see and watch online, and some grow up and stop bothering about their parents, which is wrong. For this reason I always advice parents to invest in themselves too and not just in their kids, before old age parents should set up a running investment that can sustain them at old age and they won't be completely dependent on their kids.

Thanks for reading my post.

 last month  

Your title said it all, we owe them, especially to those who really deserve it, not all parents should be called parents.

 last month  

This is also another angle, for real some parents are not parents at all. They failed parenting woefully.

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From cultural, religious or heritage points of view, it is a good thing to take care of one's parent. It's needed to be done in love and in understanding. Thanks for sharing this with us.

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We don't even need to be told how much care and attention we ought to give to our parents.

Thanks for stopping by.

 last month  

Yeah parents should invest in themselves as well, I know some parents give in their all, drop out of school to nurture a child and watch them grow but then there's no assurance that the child would care for them in old age.

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It is very important for parents to start investing in themselves, a lot of things are changing In our society.

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I am grateful for your support sir. It means a lot to me.


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I cherish your perspective. We owe our parents lots inspite of certain inadequacies.
God will help us to show love to our parents always.

 last month  

Definitely God will always make a way, that way we can do the nest we can to show them how grateful we are for their sacrifices.

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We will always be indebted to our parents. Because our parents are the main artists to show us the beautiful world. Because of parents we came to this beautiful world because of our parents. If our parents did not give us the opportunity to see the beautiful world then we would not have come to this world and have nurtured us so beautifully from childhood and educated us so beautifully that we owe our whole life to them so the value of parents is essential. Parents can never be neglected