A for Effort

in Hive Learners5 months ago

Unlike most 31st of December where I'm always hyped about the coming year, this year wasn't like that. For some reason I had felt like there was nothing to be excited about because to me, it was just going to be another Monday. I had even posted that thought on my WhatsApp status but immediately deleted it because I didn't want to be the guy bringing bad energy into the new year.

Unlike in the past where I would spend the 31st night celebrating with my friends before heading to church with my family to go pray myself into the new year, this one had been a lot different. I sat in my room all day and only went out to buy stuff that I needed for food.

And when we eventually entered the new year, I could hear people screaming at the top of their voices "Happy new year!" almost as if they all had won a lottery. I know being alive is a gift worth celebrating everyday but you and I know that is something we only do when we're faced with life threatening situations and come out alive.

Anyways, although I was with my little bro during the new year, there was nothing to write home about that day. My hostel was empty and all of the people I had made plans with to go celebrate the new year had along the line came up with one excuse or the other about why they had to travel down to their village to go spend the holiday.

I felt betrayed because traveling down to go see my family was no longer an option because they live far far away and I already told them that I wasn't planning on coming back home this December. Anyways, with my brother with me, I decided to make best of his time here and took him into my school for a stroll.

Photo by juan pablo rodriguez

I had showed him my lecture hall, along with my exam hall. And I had also taken him to go see this giant horse that I still don't know why it's at the school, roaming around freely. And then we had returned home and watched this grown up men go to war with each other with nothing but fireworks of course.

Normally I would have spent the whole of that day indoors just minding my business and probably seeing movies on my phone, but due to the fact that my little brother was around and this was the first time ever that he was visiting, I had told myself that I wasn't going to be a lazy boring brother, at least not today.

And although we didn't do anything crazy and fun ourselves, the fact that we took that walk, saw the giant horse and laughed at this guys throwing fireworks at each other, that was more than enough new year celebration for me.

Also, I spent most of the time in the kitchen trying to prepare something that wouldn't kill us, so...

 5 months ago  

😂 At least your brother was there to keep you company unlike some of us

 5 months ago  

Yeah, and that was the best part of the day.

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 5 months ago  

Thank you.

 5 months ago  

So, you went outside of room in the new year time just because of your little brother. You enjoyed fireworks and it's the thing I love most. Hehe. Somehow your new year became different for your little brother.

 5 months ago  

Yeah I had to do some extra things just for him.. Although I would have preferred just being indoors, I don't regret coming out for a stroll.

 5 months ago  

at least you celebrated with your little bro. Nothing like bro bonding time. my little bro and I used to fight all the time tho but not anymore haha grew up already

 5 months ago  

Hehehe.. I can relate with the fighting stuff, although it was between myself and my big bro 😂😂

 5 months ago  

O.O means u were on better terms with your younger bro?

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You had someone that made the season not to be completely boating. Is a great miracle to see new year

 5 months ago  

Yup and I agree with you completely.

Happy New Year to you. I have been this year for many years now. Reduced all the noisy and costly partying to just having some wine and good food with good music at home with the missus. Pandemic made it even more subdued. Since last year I decided to use this day as a milestone to try and get in a positive frame so from then both of us dress up for the event though we are still in our own house with nowhere to go. The act of getting ready, taking a new year pic, and then chilling with music had been a good way to start the new year for us.

 5 months ago  

Having a bottle of wine with someone you love while just enjoying your day seems like a nice way to enjoy the new year.. Definitely something I would do myself because I'm not really a fan of the whole crazy celebrations that also comes with crazy expenses. Lol.

YUP!!! the price is one major reason I hate hallmark holiday celebrations :) It is either celebrate at home or do it out of phase (like enjoy Valentine's day a couple of days before or after the actual day) for me.

 5 months ago  

Oh, I'm sure your brother must be happy that, at least, he was able to see the school and the horse. Wait, which school are you in, that 'horse' sounds familiar.

I am sure you must have thought that the money to even travel down home is on the high side. Maybe, it's just better to stay put and use the money to flex and eat.🤣

 5 months ago  

The money to travel down to lagos alone was probably enough to feed me here for a month.. And this is just traveling to lagos and not coming back.. Decided it was best to stay here abeg 😂

 5 months ago  

The rate at which the cost of transport increases these days is alarming. This s what many still didn't travel 'home'.

And yes, you'd have to plan for both to and fro.

 5 months ago  

That was a cool to take your brother to tour. You celebrated your new year very well. I love touring around when i have holidays.