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RE: Water, Water Everywhere, but is it Safe to Drink?

in Hive Learnerslast month

Water is one important thing we must take cognizance of. Remember I told you how I used to drink cway water because it is one water that is pure and treated well by the company. Now, I am drinking sachet water from a renowned company here and it is better.
My sister will never take any other water aside cway and when she is travelling, she budget for packs of Eva bottled water for the time she would spend on her trip.
Water is a necessity and we must spend to make sure we are taking in clean water.

 last month  

Your sister is so intentional about what goes into her mouth..babe, leys learn from her.. really disciplined about it
It's better than spending on minerals or malt

 last month  

Yes oo. I inculcated that act from her and I am glad I did. Clean water all the time.