Intelligence In Kids Are Altered By Obvious Factors.

in Hive Learners29 days ago (edited)

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It is no news to me that some kids these days are quite intelligent than expected, usually leaving many adult amazed after their first time encounter with such kids: most times, these adults tends to give a comment about how intelligent the kid it. Here in my side, some of those adults comment would be something like this "you sound smarter than yourself". Literally, they are saying such child is smarter than mere look or age. Any adult who is still curious would begin to engage the smart kid in a conversation to know how really smart they are: maybe just academics, social or test their judments and general knowledge of things. I have tried my best to engage intelligent kids too, especially ones those ones who seems to be outspoken and unshy. And here are the obvious factors I have observed....

Parents: a kid can be as smart as the parents. Intelligence in a way can be transferred from parents to the offsprings, that's one fascinating thing about genetics. Another reason why parents are a factor to a child's intelligence is that parent are the first friends a child gets. Every little child would copy exactly what the parent do, say, how they behave and react to things.

Knowledge: Some kids appear to be more intelligent than their age because of the type or amount of knowledge they have been fed with. You become what you feed yourself, your brain now in this context. The type of knowledge either makes the child more intelligent or less. A child won't appear intelligent if he or she is fed with the same knowledge like every other kids.

Early Education: this also plays a vital role in a child live as he or she develops. A kid that started learning and writing at a very early age, starts school earlier than the presumed age will automatically be more intelligent than hisnor her peers. Learning has its own way of increasing the capacity of the brain.

Enviroment & Exposure: are another important factor that affects a child's chances of being intelligent. Enviroment is crucial in a child development, the people a child grow up with, interact and converse with also determines how smsrt a child would be.

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For example, I know a lady that used to stay with us until she got married. She now has a girl who is almost four years old now, smart and hyper active. Everyone knows Testimony to be smart, she will always amaze us: it is as though she keeps telling us that you haven't seen nothing yet. The enviroment and people she was growing up with affected her, she was not so bright when it comes to academics and speaking English fluently. Her enviroment and exposure had gotten to her, made her like those in her enviroment: an apple does not fall far from the tree.

But the people she was growing up with are smart people, street wise. There was a time she came around with her mom, some how Testimony got my mom angry and my mom promised to beat her. Testimony left my moms presence and remained calm for about two hours. When it was almost time to eat, Testimonies mom informed us that the food will be ready in some minutes. Seems that Tesmony already guessed that my mom might not want to give her out of the food. So, Testimony stood from where she has been sitting and decided to sit beside my mom, I was like, okay let's have it 😅😅. Testimony began to do all sort and manner of fake smile, she would touch my mom and then smile at her, call her name then smile at her. She was doing all these to make it up to my mom again so she could be her friend again when it is time to eat.


My mom knew the game she was playing and told her "you are smart for your age but I know you what you want." Testimony laughed when my mom said that. We couldn't help but show how shocked we were, how did a 3 year old girl know how to make do that, find a cunny way to get what she wanted. I had to make her do the right thing, I told her to just tell my mom that she was sorry for getting her angry: that solved the problem better and she got to eat from my mom's plate.

Testimony's enviroment and exposure has made her like that, she is naturally intelligent and learns fast but not in academics. So, my siblings and I try our best to correct that but we can't do much because she spends more time with her people and she visits us once a while.

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Thank You For Reading Till The End.

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