Embracing Quality Family Time Without Phones

in Hive Learnerslast month (edited)

Hello friends how are you all. I hope you are well. Today is a beautiful day in a beautiful environment today again with a new channel post. Hope you like today's challenge post. Everyone is making a wonderful block out of their own experiences. I am also trying from my side. I will try to share the things that I know and the things that I will talk about with my experiences. I hope you will like it. Today's topic that is fixed for us is Family Time, No Phones which is very important to all of us and the present time. The fact that we see too much on his side. The time to discuss the matter is very much needed. That's when this beautiful topic is trying to be highlighted by expressing everyone's opinion about our challenge today or in this blog today. That's really a commendable job thanks a lot to all and thanks a lot to those who have made today's topic from this beautiful topic let me express my opinion on this topic today.

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It goes without saying that the use of phones is essential in our society these days. We take it for granted that every person around us has a smartphone. But this phone gives us a lot of advantages and disadvantages. Who is putting us in danger in ways we could never have imagined. Again, this phone gives you opportunities in a way that you can never imagine or expect. Actually there is nothing to say about the phone. But today how can we control the use of this phone in our family or in our family. I will try to mention a few points based on how the bad side and the good side are putting us at a disadvantage. I hope I can present those points to you nicely. What we have decided today is family time where we stay away from mobiles when we give family time. I will try to discuss the issue of banning the use of mobile phones.


Family is a very important thing. If we can give family time properly then we can spend our later life beautifully. If the family is destroyed, some of us will suffer a lot. If everyone in the family stays together, if everyone thinks about everything together, then there will be no good for our family and moving forward in the future. I will try to mention below all the things that we will have to refrain from. When we spend time with family, we must keep our cell phones away so that we bring otherworldly talk into our family talk.

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If we are banned from using our mobiles during family time. Then we are trying to mention the amount of profit below.

In family time a relationship is love and strong decisions can be made no matter the situation.

When you are away from using the phone, your family bond, any problems you share with each other will create a different kind of love that if you are using the mobile, your attention will be diverted, which will help to push you away from your family.

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If you can take any Quotance decision with your family then your family will also support you and in any situation you will get a very easy advantage to overcome it if all your family members are busy using mobiles together then you can keep your words to yourself. Can't share with family and your problem won't get solved as well as if someone in your family has a problem it won't get solved


There are events that you can say a lot about. You can arrange many things. But must remember that you are your family means you cannot exist without your family. You must keep your family to stay. No one comes alone in this beautiful world Everyone brought family and lives with family in this beautiful world When a family is destroyed everything is destroyed then you can stand right Your family will end You can never imagine that in your life What is going to happen or what has happened but remember that when a family is okay then everything is okay than family is something that you must keep in mind and move forward with family advice to take right decision at right time.


When the whole family sits together to eat and drink or hang out together. Then you must keep in mind that no one gets lost in the mobile phone. That's how you make yourself and if you try to make your own at home. Then of course it is possible that you organize the chat in such a way that no one thinks about the mobile in your mind, you have to make your plan in such a way that you can keep everyone ready to listen to you until a certain time.


Thank you all for your valuable time reading my blog

 last month  

Family time is really important and we need to know it. So we need to appreciate it so well.

 last month  

Family is our important family. If not with us our family can't live in the world well then I will feel very bad so will definitely stay away from using mobile when we have family time Thank you very much for sharing your valuable opinion with me.

It's refreshing to see the value you place on uninterrupted family time, fostering relationships without the distractions of phones.

We have chosen this post to be curated by MCGI Cares Hive community. We are inviting you to join our community that study the words of God. You can also follow our official Youtube Channel. Keep doing the great job ❤️

 last month  

Thank you very much. You have given valuable comments on my post in your valuable time. And supported you. I am actually very happy. The most important thing is to give time to our family. Our family is our heart. Just like we cannot move without our heart, family is very important to us. So we should stay away from using mobile and think about it so that we can give good time to family. will be

 last month  

You're absolutely right bro. While there are benefits and drawbacks to using mobile phones, it's necessary to minimize phone usage to fully and uniquely experience the time spent with family. To make this time valuable, we should set our phones aside and be fully present with our family. This strengthens and makes our relationships memorable.

 last month  

Thank you very much. For sharing your opinion with me. Actually our family is our everything. If we are using mobile while spending time with family then the moments that we can create with our family will actually go far away. If we can share our family bond with someone, our family bond will be stronger. So how should we keep away from mobile while spending time with family

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 last month  

Thank you so much.

 last month  

As you mentioned several times, everything has a pro and con, but what we can never forget is that we should always have time for our family.

 last month  

You're right, I've mentioned this many times, but it's really important to investigate our family time. Outside of work, we have to decide how much time we give to our family and when we do give family time, we keep away from our mobiles.