It's All Good As Long As

in Hive Learnerslast month

raya dinner.jpeg
Photo from a BNC event. I'm the one all the way on the right

Everyone is different. We all have our own ideals and our way of life. Some people choose a super social party lifestyle while others may prefer to not be as social and chill at home. Today, I will answer a hypothetical situation where if I had a child and they changed their way of life from what I brought them up in. Firstly, I want to clarify that I don't have a child at the moment and I'm still not completely sure I will have them in the future.

When I was young, my mom brought my younger brother and I to the states for a better life and future. My mom was able to provide many opportunities for us like trying different sports, having gaming consoles etc. I had a super mom and I think most people can relate to this if not I feel sad for you. I think one of the things that probably disappointed my mom at first was my choice of going to Malaysia. Not just my mom but it seems like even people in Malaysia think I made a huge mistake coming back to live in Malaysia. These people never experienced living overseas though and I feel there's this imaginary mindset that the states is the best place to be. Honestly, I like Malaysia better and I found myself to be happier here which is why I have stayed. It's already been seven years here in Malaysia and I believe my mom has already let go of that disappointment. I think she just wants me to be happy and do well wherever I am.

Now if I was to have a child, I think in most situations I would be supportive of what they wanted to do or the way of life they wanted. It's kind of like how my mom became supportive of me living in Malaysia and my dad was supportive of me in the crypto space. I genuinely feel most parents will be supportive of their children as long as they feel they are heading towards the right direction. The only cases I wouldn't support my child is if it was something negative. For example, bullying other students, doing drugs, breaking laws etc are things that I would 100% try to stop as I'm sure there's a wide consensus that these are things that parents shouldn't support.

Anything else I would be ok with it. If they were a different religion than me, I would be totally fine with it. I'm a free believer so I kind of believe in everything that I want to. I'm sorry to say but I don't believe in God but I believe that all religions are meant to help people lead a positive life due to their core principles. My question though is do we really need religion to tell us what's right or wrong or how to be a good person. I feel this is something that we should know ourselves but I understand some people feel lost and they need something to believe in to guide their life. I don't judge them for that and that's why I wouldn't mind whatever religion my child wanted to follow. This is a bit random but when I was younger, I learned a lot about the different religions like Confucianism. Anyways, there's one aspect of the Hinduism religion that I liked which is called karma. Karma basically means good things happen from past good actions and vice versa for bad things.

So to sum it up, It's all good for my child to have a different life from what I grew up teaching them as long they don't do anything harmful to society or themselves.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha

 last month  

As long as kids are heading in the right direction, there is nothing to resist but we need to stop them if they are going in the right direction.
In the case of religion, it's a sensitive issue in my country doesn't matter what the religion is. I respect other religions also and every religion says good words but still the way is different and in some cases, there exists some conflict. Based on my country's culture changing a religion is not a matter of joke although everyone is allowed to do what they want but there must be a consequences of it also because it's not so easy thing as you said.

 last month  

we need to stop them if they are going in the right direction

you mean wrong direction? I think you went too fast xD

No worries every country has it's main religion and it's very hard to change. I think that's the same here in Malaysia. A majority are muslim here and if u decided to leave it i think there's punishment by law or something not sure

 last month  

you mean wrong direction? I think you went too fast xD

sorry sorry. I apologize for it. You guessed right.

No worries every country has it's main religion and it's very hard to change.

Minor religions also face the same consequences also. Law has no issues with it in my country but the societal pressure influences the thing most.

 last month  

Your explanation about Karma is interesting, along with your talk about giving freedom as long as he always respects the rules without committing actions that harm others, I believe that the law of return exists, whenever we seek good, we are rewarded with good.

 last month  

Hey Kaiba. Thank you I think freedom is the way to go. Being too strict will just make them more rebellious better they sometime make mistakes to learn the lesson lol
Ya karma be like that at least that's what I feel . another popular saying is what goes around comes around

It's refreshing to see such an open-minded perspective on parenting and life choices. It sounds like your mom did a great job supporting you even when her initial expectations weren't met, which is a wonderful model to follow.

We have chosen this post to be curated by MCGI Cares Hive community. We are inviting you to join our community that study the words of God. You can also follow our official Youtube Channel. Keep doing the great job ❤️

 last month  

Hey thanks a lot for your kind words. I see your community is quite religious but you didn't judge me either, appreciate it. Nice to see that you guys are helping out feeding the homeless/hungry people. I also volunteer now and then for helping and giving back to the community

 last month  

You have made very interesting points here brother. Everyone has the will and power of their choices. As parents we should be supportive of our children choices as long as the choices doesn't mean a negative one. This would show you trust the child you have raised to do the right things anywhere they go.

 last month  

hi thank you so much brother. are you a parent? I'm not a parent yaya haha what I wrote is just my point if i was one. Yup as long as it's not negative we should support! Exactly we should have faith in what we taught them while raising them up. Instill them traits like being humble and doing the right things

 last month  

hehe am not a parent too, just putting myself in that shoe for this prompt 😂

 last month  

xD i see. u have a gf probably?

 last month  

Yeah, I do boss😎

 last month  

nice bro ull hvae kids before me then

You have a good point in this content. Supporting the kids is a vital role of a parent, as long as it would benefit them to become better people. Some parents will tolerate the wrong actions of their kids. That's why many of them will grow up with arrogance since they believe their parents have their backs all the time. You will surely have good parenting with the kids.

 last month  

Hey thanks man. Yes, we have to support them or they may feel neglected. I think some parents didnt spend enough time with their child and that's sad so I think if I did I'd want to make sure that they know I'm there for them and support them.

Ya I don't know about tolerating the wrong actions I think those parents maybe had their own issues growing up so that came to be? There's many reasons but nothing we can do about that only control ourselves. Ya maybe I will be ok parent if I have kids but I don't think anytime soon that's for sure. You have kids?

Yeah, I have a son and a daughter. I always guide them in everything so they can choose the right path. I don't want regret to happen and I only did nothing before.

Yes, they have their reasons but I hope they would choose what's best for their children. They will also suffer the wrong actions of their kids.

Thanks for the time.

 last month  

owh I see. no wonder you seem so experienced with it haha. That's great we have to live with no regrets!

Ya it's sad but I also hope the same. But if it happens not much we can do. We just have to do our best for our own kids

You're welcome man. Thanks for commenting~

 last month  

I love your point. As long as they do not do anything harmful or disastrous to the society, they are good to go. At least while growing up, we changed our lifestyle different from our parents and they supported us when it's something that is good and not bad for us. So, parents should support their children in the right thing they choose and never allow them in the wrong thing.

 last month  

Yes it's simple ~ less stressful for me xD. keep things simple. id be happy as long as they living the life they want and not doing anything harmful ~

Are u having children soon princess O.O

 last month  

You said it all bro. The only thing children need from their parent is support and not try to bend them to their own will.

 last month  

sounds like you had awesome support too i hope :3. how are you doing this week

 last month  

Yeah! my parent gave me all the support I needed and corrected me with love as well.

Am doing great and you?

 last month  

im doing great as well ;3 won a giveaway yesterday so happy about that

 last month  

Oh that's great, more wins bro. 🎉

 last month  

thank u TT and now today i just won a competition creator bounty

 last month  


This is such a good news am happy for you cheers 🥂

And again more wins 🎉

I agree.😊

 last month  

o.o are u always here how u reply so fast lol

You got it right. 😅 No, I'm just using my phone right now.🤣

 last month  

O.O that's good ecency app?

No.. peakd mobile app. I'm not familiar with ecency app. 😊

 last month  

oh didnt know peakd has an app O.O where did u download it

Google Play store.😊

 last month  

You said it all bro. The only thing children need from their parent is support and not try to bend them to their own will.