Unleash Your Inner Creator: How Taking Action Brings Ideas to Life

in Hive Learners16 days ago

What ever you think you can do, or believe you can do, begin it. Action has grace and power in it
— Johann wolfgang von Goethe...

Our minds empower us, and by thinking, believing, and acting on our ideas, we determine the quality of our lives. Our surroundings are filled with limiting beliefs in order to deceive us into believing we are not capable enough of turning our ideas into reality. We are being trapped into following what society says, which, as a result, limits our ability to think. We end up becoming followers of the masses instead of being the creators that we are.

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We were created in the image of God; hence, we all have the ability to create. Our ability to bring ideas to life and make them a reality hinges on how far we push ourselves to take action. It is determined by our strong will in the face of failure.

The Power of Beginning

Have you asked yourself how ideas are fully formed?

Ideas are fully formed when we take the first step. At the moment before the first step is made, we may not know how we may go about the ideas we have or may not have a clear vision of the idea but the truth is that they begin to shape themselves when you begin to take a step and each step you take begins to show a clear vision of the next step.

The whole step cannot be seen from the beginning and each step needs to be taken in faith, believing it will turn out well. Of course, these steps need to be taken without the fear of failure. It is a risk that is needed to ensure growth, as we face a greater risk of losing that idea by not taking action.

The end of a journey cannot be known until you continuously take the next step after the first

The Grace and Power that Come With Taking Action

Action, which is the step needed to be taken for the realization of our dreams, goals, wants and ideas, comes with a lot of power. Nothing with great power comes without a challenge, and these challenges are there to test our will and desire towards our goals.

When you begin to take action, you begin to shape your on destiny, and you begin to gain a sense of control of your life. You attain control and begin to see your life move in a direction of purpose.

Taking action takes you from the stage of wishing to the stage of being the creator we are. It put us in the level of moving our ideas from our thoughts into real life. We encounter ourselves in the state of "flow", where our thoughts and actions become synchronized and effortless. This flow state can make our actions appear graceful without effort, even when they require a lot of effort behind the scenes.

Every great organization or technology we have today started with little beginnings and those little beginnings first came as a thought, and required action to make the first step. If the first step were never taken, then such an organization or technology would not exist today.

Here is proof:

"I never knew or had a clear idea of a topic to write about, but I just wanted to write about something. I came to my post editor and begin to type on my keyboard without having a clear idea of what I wanted to discuss. As I began with the first word and made the next word, a form of coherence began, and my ideas, thoughts, and goals became fully formed."

 16 days ago (edited) 

One if the things that make men great it action. Takimg action on the ideas and goals they have set before themselves. With enough action, there is magic. Magic; people would think you were lucky but never knew the series of action to bring that magic to life (reality).

All you knew was that you really wnated to write, but the idea of what to write wasn't clear, yet, you took the first step and it began to unfold more than you imagine. Clarity comes with every step we take towards our ideas and/or goals.

Thank you for sharing this post on the action.

Clarity comes with every step we take towards our ideas and/or goals.

You have a complete understanding of the point I am driving and you hit the nail on its head. The magic that comes with taking action is what people will term as luck.

 16 days ago  

Even luck, there are processes for it to happen. E.g you need to do, say, see or know something at the right time, at the right place.... still action.

I'm glad I could relate to the point you drove at in your post.

 15 days ago  

We should never wait until we are perfect because we can never be perfect so we should just take a step first and start. When we start what we want, we’d get new or more ideas on how to continue running it

yeah we can never be perfect. Perfection is formed over time.