Intelligence is an asset, not a liability - Just Vibes

in Hive Learners28 days ago

It is so good to see the young generation keeping up the pace with the rapid changing time and technology. At times when many people find it hard to adjust with the evolving technologies, the kids are more flexible to adjust with the trend. They were quick and very adaptive. Many a times even a good life experince keeps a good grown up adults away from the changing technologies, but the kids were completelly different. Be it handling a smartphone, or laptop, or playing a new game or dealing with any new gadgets. They were open to them started playing as if they were like born to deal with them. Such things alwsys fascinates me how the time is changing and how these kids get such sheer intelligence since birth.

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At time of social media platform, we have comes across lot of videos showcasing differrnt kids talents and their intelligence. Be it dancing, singing, sports or other things. Seeing them with such knowledge and talent alwsys makes us feel proud. But how do they get such intelligence ??

In my opinion, Intelligence in children are the ability to process information, which helps with learning, understanding, reasoning, and problem solving. Some of them werr God gifted and posses them since birth. Some of the signs are :

  • The ability to quickly learn and process complex information

  • A desire to explore subjects in depth

  • A high level of curiosity, as shown by many questions

  • Advanced language skills, such as using complex sentences and having a large vocabulary

  • An excellent memory

Such Intelligence in children is greatly been influenced by many factors, including: Home environment and parenting, Education and learning resources, and Healthcare and nutrition. It is like we get what we sow. The other day I came across this youtube videos where a small kids is devoted Krishna bhakat. It is wonderful to see him spreading some nice words about Krishna. So pleased to see the kids are orchestrating something good for our culture. I think, children are intelligent because they are wired to explore, experiment, and learn through trial and error.

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I have seen some quick reflective and energetic kid at my home too. There were two kids and I always find them more active and reflective than ages. They were both of 9 years and 10 yers. While the boy is very smarter and naughty. He easily get access to all electronic gadget in not time. Simultaneously, he is very sharp in his studies and acrobatic. Good to seem real sportsman at our home. On the other hand the little girl, is very quick to learn into musc and dance. She is very quick to learn any dance step by mere watching at the videos. Looking at these kids alwsys reminds me of my ages, when the things or we were not so active and reflective. We werr good as per the environment we got but now the things have changed tremendously making the kids more smarter.

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Not all kids are similar and we might other kids differ. While some of the kids are God gifted, the other were good in theor own aspect. As a parent, it is not good to compare two kids but try to make the kids smarter by adding intelligence to them. Here are some of the way to make kids more smarter and intelligent

  • Appreviate the kids curiosity: Curiosity helps children ask questions, which enhances learning.

  • Indulge in Physical activities: Moderate activity increases brain function, cognition, and academic performance.

  • Establish a good routine: Studies show that children who get enough sleep are better problem solvers, more creative, and more flexible thinkers.

  • Read to your children: Reading exposes children to a wide range of vocabulary, helps them focus, and improves their listening and comprehension skills.

  • Talk to your children often: Talking to children can help boost their intelligence.

  • Believe in their capabilities: Giving children the freedom to try and correct themselves can help them discover their interests and become better at them

Intelligence in kids drvelop bybthe environment and fround that we provide to them. It is important to nurture them properly and give them the freedom with proper guidance to groom them into their intellect.


Namaste @steemflow

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 28 days ago  

I actually children of today smart kids because they behave like smart devices. Many of them learn quickly even by just watching their elders do things.

It's incredible to see these things happening and I hope every parent will understand these gift and help these kids nurture it instead of killing it in them.

 28 days ago  

Reading to children is one of the top activities to take care of. It is very useful for what you mention and others. It's a pity that screens have made us lose this habit a bit. Regards @steemflow

 28 days ago  

This this Days operates garget more than us

 28 days ago  

The kids enthusiasm when learning to use gadgets were great as they are keeping with times although at times they are too focused with their gadgets and neglected their studies which is a little concerning.

I think trying to compare kids will limit their ability to explore and try out different things, especially those that they're curious about. Kids of the modern generation are capable of doing incredible things with the modern tools at their disposal.

Totally agree, besides intelligence can be improved day by day, learning skills and other useful things, the brain develops more and has more technique.

 28 days ago  

Comparison of children is one of the common ways of limiting them unknown to parents and I always try to correct a parent when I see them comparing their child with other kids. Every child should be allow to explore in his or her God given talents.