A trip, a movie and a verse that changed the path of my life

in Hive Learners14 days ago

How my life view changed

It has been almost 30 years since I had my whole view on life change. Three things that when put together it made me a different person than who I grew up as.

Now when I was growing up I could say that my family was broke. Like no food on the table at times broke. Of course, many people may not believe this because I grew up in Canada...but we have people on the broke side of things here too.

Of course when I was in high school and when I took money out for student loans at University of course I wanted to aim to make money. Far more money than I ever had when I was growing up. Enough money to have a house. Enough money to support a wife. Enough money to buy nice things and "get ahead".

When I got out of University I made the decision to leave my family and friends to pursue a good paying job. Within a short period of time I was indeed making enough money. However, when I left my friends and family it got lonely very quickly.

A trip to the Philippines


Fast forward a few years and I took a trip to the Philippines. After a long cold and boring Canadian winter I wanted to go somewhere nice, warm, with nice beaches...and hopefully some pretty ladies on those beaches. I ended up going to the Philippines.

While I was there I met many wonderful people. I was taken in by a Catholics for Christ youth group and met many wonderful people there. I was also taken in by a few nice families who made me feel welcome from our first meeting. It was a truly wonderful feeling. While spending time with them a few things became apparent.

  • They were very welcoming to newcomers
  • They had a strong sense of community and neighbors knew and helped each other.
  • They made do with what they had.
  • They were certainly happier than I was.

That last part was important. I say that because in 1997 the average wage in the Philippines was about $200/month and I was making closer to $5000/month. I literally made 25X as much as the average Filipino and they were probably 25X happier than I was.

It opened my eyes to a fact that should be obvious. Money does not equal Happiness

Being in Canada there is so much focus on buying the latest gadgets, having the nicest car or house, and generally working hard to get ahead. Advertisements imply that buying more equals being happier.

My trip to the Philippines showed me that is not true at all.


A few years later I was sitting in my little apartment in the USA. I moved away from my wife in order to pay off my student loan and put some money aside for a car. Again I moved away from my friends and loved ones to make money. Again, I was sad and lonely.

On the television I watched a documentary/movie called "Affluenza". It wasn't a new release at the time but it certainly had a current message. It showed how since the 1950's people have been buying more and more stuff. Houses have been getting larger and larger. Wages have gotten larger. However, people have been getting lonelier, more stressed, and generally less happy.

Hmm.... more stuff means more stress and less happiness!

In addition it pointed out that the United States only made up 5% of the world population but made a huge percentage of global waste, emissions, garbage and other generally bad stuff. The premise was that Americans had been led to believe that "More is Better" and while believing that lie they had been led down a path of unhappiness.

They coined a phrase : "Affluenza" and postulated that Corporate Greed, Advertising, and the pursuit of material wealth was a disease that had infected American culture.

What was the cure?

Lead a simpler, happier life. Be content with what you need, not what others tell you that you need!

Biblical confirmation

After the realization that money didn't equal happiness. After the realization that the hunt for material wealth was causing unhappiness and environmental problems I made a decision to live with less and be content with what I had.

Of course my wife still had a notion that she should "keep up" with her co-workers. Convincing her to lead a less material lifestyle wasn't going very well. However, as we both went to church there came a time when John 21:21-22 was preached in our church.

John 21:21-22 (NIV) 21 When Peter saw him, he asked, “Lord, what about him?” 22 Jesus answered, “If I want him to remain alive until I return, what is that to you? You must follow me.”

Now it may have been a little more than just those two verses but the viewpoint was the same. God has a path for my wife and myself. We follow him down that path he has for us. But when we say "Lord, what about him" hoping that we can follow the other person's path ... we get the reminder ... we follow our own path not theirs.

Some people certainly have more. But I'm not leading their life

I may envy other people posessions. 10th Commandment -- Don't covet (envy) what another person has.

A bit of a dig in the Bible and there are all number of verses about humility and stewardship but what I learned was this.

Life my life -- not someone elses. Enjoy what I've been given -- don't envy what others have. Follow God -- not money.

25 Years Later

Now I'm 55ish years old. I've come a long way from where I have been. However, I'm still skeptical of advertisements that I see. I work hard to follow my own path..even if it means driving an odd looking car, eating an unusual diet, or retiring when I could be making far more money. I've learned to not pay attention to what others have mostly. I will admit that when I see others in need I do pay much more attention that that than to admire or want to emulate those who live extravantly.

My clothes aren't elegant. My electronics aren't the newest style. I don't eat out at lavish restaurants or flash designer brands. However, I focus hard on my family and the few close friends I have. I know their value is far more than any new cellphone or flashy car.

Overall, I'm pretty glad for seeing the show "Affluenza". I'm glad I got to experience the warmth of the Filipino people. Very glad that I have a Bible that provides a guide through my days.

Of course, many people may not want my lifestyle.

Others may disagree with my outlook
...and I'd love to hear from you in the comments.


Thanks for reading!