Wednesday walk along the Dvata vrisa eco trail 🌳🌿

in Wednesday Walklast year

Today I would like to share with you my walk with @vesytz, @outlinez, @nanast, @fog043 and other friends in the forest of the magnetic Strandzha Mountain, the final goal is the shelter Dvata Vrisa, as the area and the path along which we moved are called that way.

Our starting point was the village of Brashlyan, and the path we were walking on turned out to be an old cart road.

Here these little dogs accompanied us almost to the beginning of the trail.

There were quite a few primroses and other flowers in bloom.

We reached the shelter where we sat down in the shade to rest and look around. Right next to the shed there is a terrace, which is located on the branches of a thick tree.

@nanast and I tested the swing to see if it would last us 🫣

This post is my entry for #wednesdaywalk - an initiative of @tattoodjay collaborating with #MakeMeSmile challenge hosted by @elizacheng.


Looks like such a beautiful place for a hike, love the new grown flowers and its cool they have that spot to sit and relax or swing and relax

Thanks for joining the Wednesday Walk, Sorry last week was a bit rough for me and I not only did not get out for any walks, but also was not able to visit all the walks from last week, but feeling better this week and visiting posts again which is always fun for me to visit the walks from all around the world, getting a feel for communities where people live and what they see on their daily walks

It's ok @tattoodjay, get well soon and stay healthy in the future 👈

thanks I will do my best :)

@deska89 Great post! Keep it up and HIVE ON!♦️❤️