The Mushroom Season Has Begun πŸ„πŸ™‚ - A Walk In The Forest Before A Thunderstorm

in Wednesday Walk β€’ 10 months ago (edited)

Many people here in Sweden are complaining; it's been raining a lot this summer, or since July I would say. June was sunny and hot, but since most people had their vacation in July, they worked back then. I didn't though so my perspective might be a bit different. But sure, it hasn't really been swim-friendly weather for over a month and now it kind of feels like autumn soon is here...

But all the rain has been great for mushrooms, I have heard that the mushroom season this year is expected to be great πŸ™‚ And it makes me very happy that I now live in the countryside and can go for a walk/mushroom hunt whenever I want. It's so close!


Last Friday my mom came for a visit (she only lives 40 kilometers from where I'm currently staying). She suggested that we would go for a walk in the forest and see if we could find some mushrooms. She has several spots where certain mushrooms usually grow. The mushroom season has only just begun here but she has already found quite a lot I would say. She usually brings a bag when she goes for a walk, just in case she'll find some, the purpose of the walk usually isn't to go mushroom hunting but as you might know, when you try the least, that's when you find them πŸ™‚ (Therefore she also sometimes doesn't bring anything to carry them in, since that's almost a guarantee for finding a lot, haha).


We didn't have to walk long before we found Chanterelles, but the majority of them are still small. So you are faced with the dilemma to leave them so they can grow bigger and hope that no one else will find them, or pick them because you think they will be gone next time. We did a bit of both.


What we have been finding a lot of already is the Penny Bun, or Porcini (I had actually no idea that it was called this in English, in Swedish it's called Karl-Johan, which is kind of strange because that's a male name). Anyway, unfortunately, they are often worm-eaten. But that will not be so much of a problem once it gets colder (then the worms tend to disappear).


I think the big Porcini above actually was ok. But as you can see in the picture below, the hat on the smallest one was bad. In case you don't know, Porcini is absolutely delicious!


Fly Agaric you easily spot of course. It makes for a good picture πŸ™‚


The forest felt so green. It's usually so dry in summer but due to all the rain, everything felt so fresh and lush.




We also found some Slimy Spike-Cap. But they were still small.


The weather might look rather pleasant in the pictures but it was actually sultry. We had our rain jackets on, which was too hot, because rain was expected at any point. And on our way back home the rain did start. I was happy though to be inside for the sudden cloudburst and thunderstorm later that day.


I'm looking forward to more forest walks and mushroom hunts. It's time to forage πŸ™‚ I'll also pick blueberries, my mom has already picked about 20 liters.


I haven't really been out much since this walk last week, it's been raining every day. And a lot of thunderstorms. But it has to stop at some point, right?

(I'm aware I could probably have posted this in Fungi Lovers but I like the Wednesday Walk Community so much and I'm far from a fungi expert).

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Thanks for reading 🌸

Love and blessings to you all πŸ’š

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That's so exciting - I've never found chant or porcini so I'm excited about finding them in Europe next year for sure! How did you cook them?

Cook them...not my specialty haha. No but my mom took care of them. She blanched them and put them in the freezer. Then she usually adds them to all kinds of dishes. She has so much stuff in her freezers, she has 3 of them! And she still doesn't think she has enough space.

Yes I do hope you'll find some new mushrooms for you in Europe. Of course you are always welcome to Sweden, even though I understand that might be somewhat of a detour.

You’ll find plenty of both in EU for sure 😁

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Mushroom Hunt has been presented very well in his own words. The photos are beautiful and good thing you got home on time that day and survived the cloudburst. Where I live, it is raining a lot these days and I am also complaining like everyone else that when will the rain stop so that I too can go for a walk.

Thank you for your kind words, glad you enjoyed my post πŸ™‚

I hope the weather will improve where you are.

hoping for the best

Beautiful mushroom shape and color, can grow on trees and other places. Thank you.

Thanks for stopping by. Glad you liked my post πŸ™‚

You are welcome

wow... The forest full of various types of mushrooms that you shared really stole my attention, I was very happy to see some very beautiful mushroom findings there.
Thanks for sharing with us.

Glad you liked my post. Mushrooms are so much fun πŸ™‚

Thanks for stopping by πŸ™πŸ½

You're welcomeπŸ‘

This is the most delicious mushroom - Penny Bun. I love them fried and marinated in a jar (it's nice to drink a glass of Absolut vodka and eat these mushrooms). The best mushroom and the best vodka on this planet :)

Oh wow, didn't know of that combination, Penny Bun and Absolut vodka, haha. You seem to have some experience with this mushroom, I haven't thought of marinating them.

What a healthy looking mushroom these are, they look cuteeeeee. I also wish to see mushroom in our place but sadly ee dont have that here. It'll be awesome if we also have a different variety of mushroom here.

Thanks, yes they do look rather nice πŸ™‚ I'm sure you have a lot of other things that we don't have in Sweden where you live.

Thanks for stopping by 🌸

isnt that always away of you dont bring a bag you find whatever you were looking for mushrooms in this case and wish you had one LOL

what a beautiful area and such a cool variety of mushrooms

Thanks for joining the Wednesday Walk :)

Yes exactly! I guess we were lucky this time because we did bring some bags and still we found quite a lot πŸ™‚

Oh my! Amazing mushrooms 🀩 Including fly agaric! Last time I went to the nearby forest there were none, but here we also had a very warm June and very rainy July, so hopefully next time I’ll go there I’ll find some too.

Those Porcinis though! I can almost taste them in my mouth just by looking 🀩

I see, I hope you'll find some mushrooms next time. Seems like it's definitely possible.

Glad you liked my post, thanks for stopping by 🌸

I’m also sure I will ☺️ They’ve already started stalking me in most unexpected places, so I guess they’re inviting me for a walk in the forest 😍

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