Wednesday walk to Ala Tepe in Mart

in Wednesday Walk3 months ago

An interesting walk to explore the flowers that at the beginning of February grow in the area of Ala Tepe I will show in today's Wednesday walk.

I eagerly set off early in the morning on my bicycle towards the first hill that can be seen south of the Black Sea city of Burgas - also known by the name "Goliyat Bair".

It was a long climb through beautiful forest paths.

There were patches of mud in the lower part, but not higher up.

I visited the place in April and then I found the flowers Anemone, Muscari, Lesicina and even wild Iris. I wanted to see now, at the end of winter, what beauties I would discover.

At the lowest part of the hill I started to encounter yellow crocuses.

Gradually, the white flowers of Raven's onion appeared around me.

I was surrounded by a Butcher's-broom.

So I started finding Lesser Celandine also known as Yellow Buttercup.

Along the way I found this little nest.

I was so happy about the little purple violets. The higher I climbed, the more of them I found. In places, the compositions they formed with the forest elements were incredibly beautiful.

Higher up, I began to make out the leaves of Corydalis bulbosa, and soon I saw its blooming pink flowers.

What an abundance of wild geranium there is in the high part. They are still just leaves, but when it warms up, they will start blooming.

I reached the highest part from where a beautiful view of the Burgas Bay is revealed.

I only found Yellow Buttercup and Raven Onion here. It's still early for the lovely wild irises. I want to see them live again so much that I will come here again in a few months when it is already warm and sunny.

Thank you for stopping by!


So nice to see some pretty spring flowers! The forest still look very sleepy! Bright and warm sunshine will wake them up soon.

I look forward to the awakening of the forest 😍

Wow, the photos are beautiful. Hiking is one beautiful thing but the last time i tried using a bicycle I fell down😂.

There are always risks of falling when cycling, especially on such routes 😂👍

Love all the spring flowers, no sign of them here yet but soon they will appear

Thanks for joining the Wednesday Walk :)
Have a great day :)

Thank you very much @tattoodjay! Have a wonderful day 🌞