Grinding more Blitz Chess!

Hello and Welcome to my blog.

I haven't played many Blitz games since the last time I shared a chess post. However, I played a lot of Bullet games. Just because I couldn't spare enough time for Blitz. If I sat down to play some Blitz or even Rapid games, which are significantly longer than a Bullet (1+0 or 2+0), it takes a lot longer. I have to be committed to that game and rarely stop at just one game no matter the result. If you start playing you must play a few in a row no matter if you are having the worst day of your life in

Some of these sessions can be mentally straining and they can give you headaches. But do we care? Anyway, I am here back again to discuss and analyse some chess games and share my updates on, the online platform where I play almost exclusively now.

But first, let's start with the position of the day.

Position of the Day

White to play and win!

Even though it looked like a bad position for black just a move ago but with accurate play, they could have held it to a draw but Black missed a very subtle move and went directly to a2 to attack the pawn who is about to promote.

Only one move can lead to White's victory here and it is not pushing the pawn. Can you see the move now? It is Kh5. But what's the difference between this move and pushing the passed pawn?

Well, if White pushed the passed pawn then Black would come back to a4 in time and can chop off the f4 pawn or at least White king can't protect it alone.

These are the type of moves that makes chess so difficult and brutal. You need to calculate everything and it is hardly possible in a Blitz endgame.

A Risky Piece Sacrifice

I was playing with the White Pieces in the following game and managed to somehow get an advantage after making a risky Knight sacrifice right off the opening. Game link

This was a weird game as I don't usually go for piece sacrifices this early in the game. But I was feeling good and thought I could take advantage of my piece activity on the Queen side even though it was a dubious move and objectively a blunder.

But sometimes in chess, you don't need to play the objectively best move you just need to play the scariest move. If someone had sacrificed their piece this early in the game, I would have thought that the guy knew something about the position and would be a bit scared, which can lead to some blunders and that's exactly what happened to Black.

On move #16 I attacked both of their Knight and Rook but they just saw the Knight under attack probably and moved it to save which gave me a full rook up. Later they just gave away their Queen too but still played on. It was a good attempt but they were down a lot of material and I won easily even after giving away both of my rooks for free!

How did I lose this one?

In another longer game, I was playing with White pieces again and sacked my Knight once (I need to stop doing that... I am not Mikhail Tal for sure) Game link

Even though after the Knight sacrifice and getting just two pawns for it in return, I managed to get back in the game. I got a Knight back from a tactic that appeared on the board. But rather than being on the offense I shifted to being defensive and Mikhail Tal would be crying at that. How can I disappoint a legend like this?

It became bad to worse as I lost advantage again and finally rather than taking an easy draw lost the game. What a weird game. I need to forget this one as soon as I can. (I should not be sharing it here and preserving it for

2000 Blitz Rating Goal!

You can see from the chart that I am almost on an all-time high but lost 4 rating points in the last few games. I keep hovering around 1800 Blitz.

But at least I am almost 80% better than the other Blitz players on this website and it has a lot of them!

Thanks for reading...

Until next game...

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  • Text dividers from @cryptosharan.

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