ALIEN ART HIVE GRAPHICS CONTEST UPDATES! Only a few days left to enter, NFTs have been minted :D

in Alien Art Hive2 years ago

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The response to the graphics contest has been pretty phenomenal! Lots of comments and entries, I love that we have become such an active fun community!

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If you want to enter there are still a few days left, see the post:

As mentioned there will be an HBD prize but I will also be sending out NFTs from the official @alienarthive account on @nftshowroom!!!

Here are the NFTs that will be sent out as a token of appreciation, all the art was made using disco diffusion with some hand touchups/overpaint to clean up some details.

Feel free to give them a <3 on NFT Showroom:





I will be doing another post in a few days with an overview of the entries and prizes, thank you again all for joining in!

>>>>>>>>>>>>>₳ⱠłɆ₦ ⱧØ₦ɆɎ<<<<<<<<<<<<<

Visit my gallery on NFT Showroom

Find all my social and gallery links here:

Join the Alien Art Hive community and come get some Alien Honey!


To follow on twitter, personal account, Alien Community account <3


interesante amiga mia..@ ramaco54

Super cool! I wonder if they will recognize their contributions in there! hahaha

These are really amazing pieces of art!

 2 years ago  

Thanks, and also for the NFTs you just bought, I couldn't find you on twitter lol!

Who knows maybe I will start minting my microscope pics of microorganisms and rejoin twitter to promote them. I have been focused on school stuff the past few months.

Interesting art. It was a fun experience to participate in the contest.