Random Digital Art 499

in Alien Art Hive13 days ago

Hello hello Hello my fellow alien hunters, wherever you are, how are things doing? Have you caught any alien just yet, or they are still wandering around loosely on the earth? I guess they blend in easily, since there are still a lot of bad guys down here on earth, as it is easier to be bad, than trying to be good isn't it?

But anyway, i wishing you all the best and at least be able to get a good influence from the good alien that you might be able to capture later. : )

Back to my random digital creation today, I made this using two fractal elements only, one I made using Aphophysis 7X and the other one is aphophysis 2.09.

The result is quite nice, and they bring a different feeling, on is looking like an angry alien, with fury and burning eyes, while they other just look like a blooming alien flower.

I guess the alien that I have now, could change shape and mood very easily and very fast.

I hope you all like my work today, and this is my random digital art series number 499 today.

See you again tomorrow.


And here are the elements that I use to make the random digital art today.

These are the application that I use to make this random digital art series, I might use on element from the following applications, or simply combine them all to make this art.

  1. Aphophysis 2.09 the older version where I first learn how to make fractal
  2. Aphophysis7X the newer version of the app to produce fractal art.
  3. Bomomo abstract application is a web based application to make abstract art.
  4. inkscape application, to make the vector art.
  5. Adobe photoshop to combine those element to make the final random digital art version.



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