Lion Hustler 🦁 meet LEO the RAPPER | Leofinance X Zealy campaign

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Hello Lions,

Well, This is my fifth participation in the Leofinance X Zealy Art quest, and today's theme is to Draw/Design/Create an image of a Lion engaging in stereotypical hustling activities and attire. I was quite confused at the beginning about what should I draw today, and after watching a lot of lion's pictures that are behaving like humans, I finally decided to create a funny lion drawing named Leo, who happens to be a rapper. Before I delve into the details of my latest artwork, let me provide a quick recap of my previous entries and how my journey as an artist has evolved during this quest.

Initially, I wasn't a professional artist or painter, and I had lost interest in drawing during my school days. However, as I stumbled upon the Leofinance X Zealy Art quest, I found myself rekindling the joy of exploring this long-forgotten world. For my first two art entries, I utilized the free web-based app called Canva, which I regularly use for creating thumbnails for my posts. Employing the collage technique, I merged various PNG and GIF elements I found online to craft unique images that aligned with the quest themes. Surprisingly, my work passed the initial stages, and I even received appreciation from fellow readers in Threads and Discord.

As the quest progressed and I entered the intermediate level, I realized that I needed to step up my game. Mere casual crafts wouldn't be enough to impress the discerning boss lions. Thus, I decided to pick up my pencils again and attempt something more remarkable than my previous works. For the third art quest, which revolved around the theme "Leader of the pack," I challenged myself to create a pencil sketch after a long hiatus. To my surprise, my unskilled fingers managed to produce a decent drawing depicting a full-grown apex lion leading his family of five. Although it took longer than expected, the effort paid off when my art passed the evaluation, boosting my confidence for future endeavors.

In addition to my previous entries, I also participated in the fourth quest, which centered around the theme of being an LPUD Participant. For this quest, I created an art piece depicting a leader lion seated on a magnificent throne, accompanied by a golden Leo stick symbolizing his authority and influence within the Leofinance community. The image aimed to convey the power and prestige that comes with having powered up a significant amount of Leo tokens in one's account.

During the LPUD event on the 15th of May, I powered up 150 Leo tokens, demonstrating my belief in the long-term potential of Leofinance. However, I didn't stop there. As the LPUD quest drew to a close on the 31st of May 2023, I seized the opportunity to make a substantial power-up. I added a staggering 7,900 Leo tokens to my account, further strengthening my position and solidifying my commitment to the Leofinance project.

Now, as I have already entered the first 4 art quests, now I am fully motivated with the current one and as I have also painted a blueprint for what I am about to draw today, let me begin the process now..


Step 1

First, I took my A4 drawing paper and draw a margin on all 4 sides. I decided to draw a funny-looking cartoon-style lion which is young in age and an uprising underground rapper grinding its way up to success. So I draw the vertical line first to use it as a backbone.


Step 2

I started with the face part of the lion and after some initial line sketching and erasing, I finally found a good-looking face for the lion as you can see in this step. I also decided to add sunglasses to give it a cool look and after drawing those shades, I really liked the vibe it is giving. Gladly, the shade's size was also matching its face so I decided to keep it.


Step 3

I also added the manes around the Lion in a way that looks like the lion is good-looking, with rockstar-like hair bouncing upon his head. As per the body, I didn't want a normal lion body here, so I transformed it into a human-like body and added a hoodie jacket with front belly pockets, Jeans at his bottom, and also a cool pair of sneakers as his footwear. But a rapper should sing, so I draw on his arm in such a way that he is holding a standing microphone, and on the other hand, I thought to keep it inside his pocket to portray him in a casual mood.


Step 4

As I have finished the basic structure of the Lion with a basic line drawing, now it was time to add the microphone to his hand. So I draw a cool-looking standing microphone just like the ones that artists use in stage performances, I also draw a pair of sneakers that were missing in his foot and now the lion was finally showing a rockstar look and was also looking complete.


Step 5

As the basic picture line drawing is completed now. For the next step, I started shading the drawing with a deep color pencil. I decided to draw the sunglasses a bit dark and blackish and also highlighted his hair.


Step 6

As for the next step, I put some details in the microphone and also made it dark and after the process, it was now looking more real than before, I also worked on the lower part and gave some details to its apparel by shading his hoodie, Jeans and those Jordon Sneakers. After finishing the process, the lion was really looking cool and alive, what do you think?


Step 7

As for my final touch, I draw some shadows beneath the Lion to give a base on where the Lion is standing. The hoodie was looking empty to me so I also decided to write his name ‘LEO’ on it and really liked my choice as I finished doing it. I was also trying to add 2 speakers on its both sides but as it wasn't matching the image, I decided to remove them. So, this is it Lion, here’s rapper Leo to make you dance on the floor with it’s roaring voice and unmatched rapping skills!

I hope you liked the artwork that I shared in this post and also liked the Rapper Leo as he is so cool that no one can ignore him while he is around. Also, thanks for reading and watching the steps and let me know your thoughts and opinions in the comments below and I will be seeing you all in my next post!

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!1UP Your drawing is insane, congrats!

Glad that you liked it lock bro, thanks for visiting ❤️🔥🦁


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